Keyboard shortcuts can save time and the effort of
switching from the keyboard to the mouse to execute simple commands. Print this
list of Excel keyboard shortcuts and keep it by your computer for a quick
Note: A plus sign indicates that the keys need to be
pressed at the same time.
Action Keystroke Action Keystroke
Document actions
Open a file CTRL+O
New file CTRL+N
Save As F12
Print CTRL+P
Replace CTRL+H
Go to F5
Cursor Movement
One cell up Up arrow
One cell down down arrow
One cell right Tab
One cell left SHIFT+Tab
Top of worksheet (cell
A1) CTRL+Home
End of worksheet CTRL+End
(last cell data)
End of row Home
End of column CTRL+left arrow
Move to next worksheet CTRL+PageDown
Apply AutoSum ALT+=
Current date CTRL+;
Current time CTRL+:
Spelling F7
Help F1
Macros ALT+F8
Selecting Cells-
All cells left of current cell SHIFT+left arrow
All cells right of current cell SHIFT+right arrow
Entire column CTRL+Spacebar
Entire row SHIFT+Spacebar
Entire worksheet CTRL+A
Text Style
Italics CTRL+I
Underline CTRL+U
Strikethrough CTRL+5
Edit active cell F2
Paste CTRL+V
Format cells dialog box CTRL+1
as currency
2 decimal places SHIFT+CTRL+$
as percent
no decimal places SHIFT+CTRL+%
Move to the last cell in a range in
Microsoft Excel
Select cell A1 in your worksheet (See screen
To move vertically from top to bottom, press Ctrl+Down Arrow.
To move vertically from bottom to top, press Ctrl+Up Arrow.
To move horizontally from left to right, press Ctrl+Right Arrow.
To move horizontally from right to left, press Ctrl+Left Arrow.
Move from cell A1 to the last cell in a range of cells that contains data (before an empty cell).
Select cell A1 and press Ctrl+Down Arrow.
Move from cell A1 to the last cell in a range of cells that contains data (before an empty cell).
Select cell A1 and press Ctrl+Down Arrow.
The result: You moved to cell A14, the last cell in a
range that contains data.
(Note: You can also use [End], and then Down Arrow,
instead of Ctrl+Down Arrow.)
Continue and move to the next range of cells that contain data.
Continue and move to the next range of cells that contain data.
Press Ctrl+Down Arrow again to move to cell
Press Ctrl+Down Arrow one more time to
move to the last cell that contains data in the
range that begins with cell A17, and so forth…….
a horizontal or vertical range of adjacent cells in Microsoft Excel
By pressing the Shift key along with Ctrl
and one of the four arrow keys, you select a range of adjacent cells.
To select a vertical range of cells that contains
data, from top to bottom, press Ctrl+Shift+DownArrow.
To select a vertical range of cells that contains
data, from bottom to top, press Ctrl+Shift+Up Arrow.
To select a horizontal range of cells that contains
data, from left to right, press Ctrl+Shift+RightArrow.
To select a horizontal range of cells that contain
data, from right to left, press Ctrl+Shift+Left Arrow.
Select a contiguous range from A1 to the end of the data range. In the
example, this is A1 through A14. Select cell A1, and press Ctrl+Shift+Down
To select the range A1 through D14, select cell A1,
and press Ctrl+Shift+Down Arrow. Continue to hold down the Ctrl+Shift
keys, and press Right Arrow.
a range of non-adjacent cells in Microsoft Excel
Select cell A1. Press Ctrl + Shift + Down Arrow.
Continue holding down Ctrl, and use the mouse to select another range.
Release the mouse button, and select another range while continuing to press Ctrl.
the current region in Microsoft Excel
The current region is a contiguous
range of cells that contain data. The current region is enclosed by blank rows
and blank columns and/or the edge of the worksheet.
Ctrl+* (the star above the 9 in the numeric
pad) is the keyboard shortcut for selecting the current region. For
those of you using laptops, the shortcut is Ctrl+Shift+*.
the cell pointer around a selected range in Microsoft Excel
When you select a range of cells, the
borders of the selected range are clearly defined.
To move vertically downward within the selected range, press Enter. To move vertically upward, press Shift Enter.
To move vertically downward within the selected range, press Enter. To move vertically upward, press Shift Enter.
To move horizontally to the right,
press Tab. To move horizontally to the left, press Shift Tab.
Would you like to move among cells at
the corners of the selected range? Press Ctrl+. (Ctrl+period).
delete data from cells in the worksheet in Microsoft Excel
The shortcuts Ctrl+Shift+End
and Ctrl+Shift+Home allow you to quickly select a cell that contains
data and extend the selection to the beginning of the worksheet or
the last used cell in the worksheet.
Example: You want to clear the contents of
all cells from cell A20 to the last used cell (cell Z1000 for example) in the
worksheet, Select cell A20, Press Ctrl+Shift+End, Press Delete.
a column or columns in Microsoft Excel
Select a cell or several cells in a
worksheet, and press Ctrl+Spacebar.
a row or rows in Microsoft Excel
Select a cell or several cells in a
worksheet, and press Shift+Spacebar.
or unhiding a column or columns in Microsoft Excel
Hide - select a cell or cells and press Ctrl+0.
Unhide - select the cells to the left and
right of the hidden column, and press Ctrl+Shift+0.
or unhiding a row or rows in Microsoft Excel
Hide - select a cell or cells, and press Ctrl+9.
Unhide - select the cells above and below
the hidden row, and press Ctrl+Shift+9.
copied selections to several locations in Microsoft Excel
In Excel version 2000 and higher, you
can paste areas that you saved on the Clipboard to several locations. In Excel
2000, the Clipboard presents the various copied fields (up to 12). In Excel
2002, use the keyboard shortcut Ctrl+C+C to open the Tasks dialog
box, which contains the copied areas that have been saved to memory.
& paste data / formulas along adjacent cells in Microsoft Excel
Select cell C2 (see screen
Point to the handle on the
bottom right-hand.
a. Corner of the cell pointer.
Double-click when the mouse pointer changes its shape to a plus
Excel copies the text or formula in the cell
down the length of column B. The cell is pasted to the bottom of the data in
the adjacent column.
& paste data / formulas to thousands of cells in Microsoft Excel
Example: Copy text from cell A1 to
cells A2 through A5000 (see screen shot).
In cell A1, type Excel Book.
Copy cell A1.
Select cell A2.
Click the arrow beside the
Name Box.
Type A5000.
Press Shift+Enter (select an
adjacent range of cells).
Press Enter (paste).
between open workbooks in Microsoft Excel
From the Window menu, select a
workbook from the list of open workbooks.
The keyboard shortcut for moving between open workbooks is Ctrl+Tab or Ctrl+F6.
To move back between open workbooks press Ctrl+Shift+Tab.
The keyboard shortcut for moving between open workbooks is Ctrl+Tab or Ctrl+F6.
To move back between open workbooks press Ctrl+Shift+Tab.
from list of previous entries or Validation list in Microsoft Excel
This feature works after you have
entered several entries in a column.
Select empty cell under the last
filled cell, right-click and select pick from list... from the
shortcut menu. Or
Use a keyboard shortcut by pressing ALT
+ down Arrow.
You can then select from a unique
sorted list of text that has been entered in that column.
moving to the next cell when you finish entering data in Microsoft Excel
Prevent moving to the next cell when
you finish entering data.
Press Ctrl+Enter (instead of
all sheets in a workbook in Microsoft Excel
To search for text, use the keyboard
shortcut Ctrl + F, or choose Edit, Find.
To search and replace text, use the keyboard shortcut Ctrl+H
or choose Edit, Replace.
Searching and replacing all sheets in
the Workbook
From sheet tab shortcut menu
choose Select all sheets.
Press Ctrl+F or Ctrl+H to find
and replace.
Note: The Ctrl+F keyboard
combination works in Excel 97 version only single sheet.
text using a Keyboard shortcut in Microsoft Excel
In cell A1, enter the text
"This is the".
In cell A2, enter the text
"best excel book ever Published".
In cell A3, enter the formula
=A1&" "&A2.
The ampersand symbol (&, Shift+7)
joins text the same way the + symbol joins numbers. The quotation marks
are used to add empty spaces between them. In the example above, a space is
added between the words combined. In cell A3, you can see the combined
Format Cells dialog in Microsoft Excel
To display this dialog, use any of these methods:
Press Ctrl+1.
Right click a cell and choose
Format Cells.
Press Alt+O+E.
From the menu, select Format
the cell formatted from date format to number format in Microsoft Excel
Is the number in the cell formatted
as a date instead of as a number?
Press Ctrl+Shift+~.
number behind the date in Microsoft Excel
Excel handles date and time
The numbers for dates range from 1 to
2958465. The number 1 indicates the date January 1, 1900, and the number
2958465 indicates the date December 31 9999.
Enter any number in a cell, press Ctrl+Shift+#
and see the date for the number you entered.
the date in a cell in Microsoft Excel
Excel recognizes a number as a
date by the date format, which uses a slash (/) as a
An example of the date format in Excel: 7/25/2001.
An example of the date format in Excel: 7/25/2001.
Some users prefer to use a period (.)
as a separator, instead of a slash (/).
If you are one of those, people and would like to change the default setting for the date format, perform the following steps:
If you are one of those, people and would like to change the default setting for the date format, perform the following steps:
From Windows, choose Start,
Settings, Control Panel, And Regional Options.
Select the Date tab. In the Date
separator box, change the slash (/) to a period (.).
Click Apply and OK.
Click Apply and OK.
slash separator in date with period in Microsoft Excel
If you are one of those people who
love to use period instead of / and would like to change the default setting
for the date format, perform the following steps:
From Windows, choose Start,
Settings, Control Panel, And Regional Options.
Select the Date tab. In the Date separator box, change the slash (/) to a period (.).
Click Apply and OK.
Select the Date tab. In the Date separator box, change the slash (/) to a period (.).
Click Apply and OK.
the serial number behind Date format in Microsoft Excel
Select a cell and enter today date
into the cell by pressing Ctrl+; than press Ctrl+~.
Press Ctrl+~ again to restore the sheet to its normal appearance.
Press Ctrl+~ again to restore the sheet to its normal appearance.
the serial number behind Time format in Microsoft Excel
Press Ctrl+Shift+: to enter
the current time into an active cell and Press Ctrl+~ to see the
serial number.
The serial number of time is
between 0 to 1.
Press Ctrl+~ again to restore
the sheet to its normal appearance.
a Range Name in Microsoft Excel
There are two ways to define a Name:
Type the text directly in the Name
1. Select Cell A1.
2. In the Name box, type the text.
3. Press Enter.
Use the Define Name dialog box
1. Select cell B1.
2. Press Ctrl+F3, or from the Insert menu, select Name,
3. Type the text in the Names in workbook box.
4. Click OK.
defining Names according to the text in the top row and the left column in
Microsoft Excel
Open a workbook with a data
range (see Screenshot). There is text in the top row and in the left
Select the current region and
press Ctrl+*.
Press Ctrl+Shift+F3, or
from the Insert Menu, select Name, Create.
Select the options Top row and
Left column.
Click OK.
a Range Name in a Formula in Microsoft Excel
In the left screenshot, define Names
for the columns based on the text in the first row.
Press Ctrl+*, and then press Ctrl+Shift+F3. In the Create Names dialog box, select the first option - Top row.
Press Ctrl+*, and then press Ctrl+Shift+F3. In the Create Names dialog box, select the first option - Top row.
Click OK.
The result: Names were defined for the data ranges
in each column. The reference range for the Name January is =Sheet1!$B$2:$B$11.
Enter a formula to total the data for
the first quarter.
Select another sheet in the
workbook, and
select a cell in it.
Type the formula =Sum.
Press Ctrl+A.
Select the first argument box
and press F3.
Select the name
January_2002, and click
Paste the names February_2002
March_2002 in the next two argument boxes.
10. Click OK.
You have entered the following
formula into the cell:
=SUM(January_2002, February_2002,
for opening the Paste Function dialog box in Microsoft Excel
Select a cell contains formula, Press
Shift +F3 to open the Paste Function dialog box.
Alternatively, use the Paste Function icon (fx) on the toolbar.
Alternatively, use the Paste Function icon (fx) on the toolbar.
to see the Help for the Syntax Function in Microsoft Excel
Experienced Excel users prefer to
type formulas directly into a cell, in the formula bar. This is a good
technique for skilled users who are familiar with the syntax of formulas
(where to place commas and parentheses, the order of arguments, and more). If
you are not sure of the syntax of the formula, type = and the name of
the function, and then press Ctrl+Shift+A. You will now see the syntax
of the function.
the Absolute reference to relative reference in Microsoft Excel
Relative reference
When a formula is copied, the
relative reference is used. Relative reference is the distance, in rows and
columns, between the reference and the cell containing the formula. For
example, in Cell A1, type the number 100. In Cell B1, type the formula =A1.
Cell B1 is one column to the right of Cell A1. When the formula is copied from
Cell B1 to Cell B10, the distance between the reference and the cell containing
the formula remains one column.
The formula in Cell B10 is =A10.
Absolute reference:
Use the previous example, and select
Cell B1.
In the formula bar, select the
reference A1, and press F4.
The result is =$A$1.
Copy the contents of Cell B1 to Cell
Notice that the formula does not
change; the formula reference remains constant as
The F4 key
This is an important shortcut. The F4 shortcut, which deals with
relative and absolute references, has four states. Select Cell B1, and then
select the formula bar after the =sign.
Press F4 several times. Notice how
the formula changes each time you press F4.
1 - absolute reference to the column and
row, =$A$1.
2 - relative reference (column) and
absolute reference (row), =A$1.
3 - absolute reference (column) and
relative reference (row), =$A1.
4 - relative reference to the column and
row, =A1.
Maintaining a relative reference when
pasting a formula
In many cases, you copy a formula
from cell to cell when you want to avoid changing the reference of the cell
containing the formula. In this case, use F4
to change the formula to absolute, copy it and paste it; then use F4 to change the original formula back
to relative.
Using F4 twice is annoying,
but there is a way to avoid this repetitive task. Copy and paste the formula
from the formula bar back to the formula bar, instead of from cell to cell.
For example:
Cell A1 contains the formula =A$1.
Select the text from the formula bar (that is, select the formula) and
press Ctrl+C (copy). Leave the
formula bar by hitting Esc or by
clicking Enter or Cancel (click the v or the X to the left
of Fx on the formula bar).
Select another cell in the sheet and
press Ctrl+V.
and paste formula without changing the relative reference in Microsoft Excel
Select a range of cells containing
formulas. Press Ctrl+H to replace the = sign with the #
sign. After pasting the cells in a different location, replace the #
sign with the = sign by using again Ctrl+H.
Formulas fast and easy in Microsoft Excel
Copy and paste one formula into
another by copying a formula from the Formula Bar.
Then select a new cell, click on the Formula
Bar, and paste using Ctrl+V.
For example:
In Cell D1, enter the formula =SUM
(A: A)
In Cell E1, enter the formula =SUM
In Cell F1, enter the formula =SUM(D1+E1)
Copy and paste the 2 first formulas into the third formula.
Select cell D1, in the Formula Bar select SUM(A:A) without the = sign.
Press Ctrl+C and click on the cancel or enter sign (between the Name
Box and the formula in the Formula Bar) to exit edit mode for the
cell. In the Formula Bar for Cell F1,
select the reference D1, and press Ctrl+V.
Perform the operation again to copy
the formula (without the = sign) from Cell E1 to Cell F1, and paste over the
reference E1. The result is a single formula:
between precedents and dependents cells in a sheet in Microsoft Excel
Enter into cell A1 a number than
enter into cell D10 the formula =A1.
Select cell D10 and click the Trace
Precedents icon on the Auditing Formulas toolbar.
Double-click the blue arrow between
the cells to move between the precedent cell and the dependent cell.
Or use keyboard shortcuts to
move between precedent and dependent cells.
From Precedent cell press Ctrl+[.
From Dependent cell press Ctrl+].
To select all Precedents cells
press Ctrl+Shift+ {.
To select all Dependents cells
press Ctrl+Shift+}.
Or use the F2 keyboard to move by double-clicking from precedent cell
to dependent cell.
To do so clear the Edit box in
the Tools, Options window.
1. Clear the Edit directly in cell option
2. From Tools, select Options, Edit.
3. Clear the Edit directly in cell option, and
click OK.
delete the Formula without deleting the calculation result in Microsoft Excel
Select a cell containing a formula,
press F2 (edit) and then press F9
(calculate) and press Ctrl+Enter.
Formulas syntax in cells in Microsoft Excel
The result of calculating a formula
(value) appears on the screen.
However, if you want to view the
syntax of a formula in one cell only you select the cell and see the formula
syntax in the formula bar.
To see all formulas syntax on
the sheet, press Ctrl+~ (the ~ sign is located to the left of the number
1 on the keyboard), or from the Tools menu, select Options, View tab,
Formulas option, and press OK.
To return to the normal view, press Ctrl+~
Charts with F11 in Microsoft Excel
To illustrate, look at the screen
shot, which shows sales data broken down by zone.
Select a cell in the table, and press
The result: Excel opens a chart sheet, a
sheet in your workbook that contains a new chart.
Charts with the Window in Microsoft Excel.
Select a chart sheet (if you
do not have a chart sheet in your workbook, press F11), or select
a chart that is embedded in a worksheet. From the View menu,
select Sized with Window. The chart will automatically adjust to
the size of the window.
a Chart in Microsoft Excel
Select a chart. In the File
menu, select Page Setup. Then, select the Chart tab, and
click Print Preview. Now print the chart.
the Default Chart Type in Microsoft Excel
You can change the default chart
type by pressing F11 or by selecting a different chart
type from the Chart toolbar. Select a chart sheet or select an
embedded chart, and right-click.
From the Chart menu, select
the chart type you want from the list, and click Set as default
chart. Click OK.
charts from being printed in Microsoft Excel
Select a chart, and
right-click. From the shortcut menu, select Format Chart Area.
Select the Properties tab, and clear the checkbox beside Print Object.
Click OK.
Select the Properties tab, and clear the checkbox beside Print Object.
Click OK.
the Keyboard to Select Chart Items in Microsoft Excel
Using the mouse, it is not easy to
select the different chart items when you want to modify or update the
Use the keyboard to move between
different chart items by pressing one of the
Four arrow keys.
When a range of data has been
selected in a chart (the chart indicates columns),
press the right or left arrow to move
and select columns in the chart.
the Keyboard to Select Chart Items in Microsoft Excel
Using the mouse, it is not easy to
select the different chart items when you want to modify or update the
Use the keyboard to move between
different chart items by pressing one of the
Four arrow keys.
When a range of data has been
selected in a chart (the chart indicates columns),
press the right or left arrow to move
and select columns in the chart.
the Layout of the Chart from Rows to Columns and Vice Versa in M.S Excel
When you create a chart, Excel
checks the number of rows and columns.
In the example below, there are six rows (in Column A, Zone) and three columns (years).
In a chart created automatically by pressing F11, rows from the data table are created on the category axis.
In the example below, there are six rows (in Column A, Zone) and three columns (years).
In a chart created automatically by pressing F11, rows from the data table are created on the category axis.
To switch from rows to columns in the
category axis, select the chart, and from the Chart menu, select Source
Data. In Series in, select Columns.
the Chart to a Different Place in the Sheet in Microsoft Excel
Press Ctrl and select the
Now, move the chart in any
direction by pressing Ctrl and one of the Four arrow keys at the
same time.
a Linked Picture to a Chart in Microsoft Excel
It would be an understatement to say
that it is simple to update text in an object.
Let’s say, for example, that you add
a title to the chart to indicate the period of the statement. A month
later, the period of the financial statements changes, and you find yourself
fighting to change the text in the object you have pasted into the
chart. When you link an object to a cell in the sheet, any change to the
text in the cell will automatically update the text in the object.
a picture of cells that is linked to the source data
the sheet, copy a cell or cells that
contain text or data, and paste it into the chart. Hold down
Shift, and click Paste Picture Link on the Edit menu.
or -
Select a cell or cells, click the Camera
icon, and then click where you want to paste the
Upper-left corner of the picture.
Adding the Camera icon to the toolbar
Right-click any toolbar. From the shortcut menu, select Customize.
Select the Commands tab, and from the Tools category, click and
drag the Camera icon onto the toolbar.
Guidelines for working with linked pictures
Guidelines for working with linked pictures
– The linked text in the picture is formatted according to the
formatting in the cell. Any changes to the formatting must be done
in the source cell. You can change the formatting of the text; add
text wrapping; change the width of a column or cell; omit gridlines
(From the Tools menu, select Options, select the View tab,
and then clear the Gridlines checkbox); and change the font color and
cell shading (background color).
Note :Be sure to resize the column
containing text you want in the picture before creating the link.
Only the visible information in the cell will be included in the picture.
In the screen shot, two pictures have been pasted into a chart: a picture of the data table and a picture of the chart title.
In the screen shot, two pictures have been pasted into a chart: a picture of the data table and a picture of the chart title.
The text, Sales Report for 3 years,
was typed and formatted in a single cell in a different sheet.
Charts by Dragging and Dropping in Microsoft Excel
If you have a chart with
data for 1999 through 2001 and then enter a new column for 2002, you can
drag and drop the new data on the chart. Highlight the cells with
the new data E1:E7. Using the mouse, click the black border around the
range and begin dragging the range towards the chart. When the mouse
pointer is over the chart, release the mouse button.
Result: the new data is added to the
a workbook / workbooks and Excel Application
To close a workbook, press Ctrl+F4.
To close all workbooks without
exiting Excel, press Shift, & from the File menu, select Close
To exit Excel, press Alt+F4.
To exit Excel, press Alt+F4.
Numbers in Thousands in a Chart in Microsoft Excel
Chart Are linked to data, and, consequently, any change to
the format of numbers in the data table will lead to a corresponding
change in how the numbers are displayed in the chart.
1. Select the data in a data table and
press Ctrl+1.
2. In the Format Cells dialog box, select the Number
3. In the Category box, select Custom.
4. In the Type box, type #,##0 to display a number
rounded to the nearest thousand.
a Linked Workbook in Microsoft Excel
In all Excel versions you may easily open linked files
by using the Edit Links, Open Source to open the linked file.
1. From Edit menu choose Links.
2. In the Edit Links windows select the file to
open, press Open Source.
Use Keyboard shortcut press Ctrl+ [
Note: If there is more than one link in the
formula only the file with first link address will be open.
the Subtotal level buttons in Microsoft Excel
Press Ctrl+8.
To display the subtotal Level Buttons, press Ctrl+8
Select bottom right end corner of the used area
Microsoft Excel
Pressing the END key followed by the HOME key, takes you to the bottom right hand corner of the used area on a sheet.
Copy/Move data between worksheets in Microsoft
Move data between
1. Highlight the range you want to move.
2. Hold the ALT key down.
3. Drag the mouse over another sheet tab. That
Sheet will open. You can now
let go of the ALT
4. Move your mouse to where you want to place
The data and release
the mouse button.
Function Key Assignments in Excel 2003
Function Key
the Help task pane
and reopens the current task pane
a chart of the data in the current range
a new worksheet
the active cell and positions the insertion point at the end of the cell
the insertion point into the Formula Bar when editing in a cell is turned off
a cell comment
the Save As dialog box
the active workbook
a defined name into a formula
the Insert Function dialog box
the Define Name dialog box
names by using row and column labels
the last command or action (if possible)
the workbook window
Microsoft Excel
the active window or dialog box
the Go To dialog box
the window size of the workbook window
between the Help task pane and the application window
to the next pane in a worksheet that has been split
to the previous pane in a worksheet that has been split
to the next workbook window when more than one workbook window is open
to the previous workbook window when more than one workbook window is open
the workbook window (when it isn’t maximized)
Extend mode on or off
you to add a non-adjacent cell or range to a selection of cells by using the
arrow keys
the workbook window (when it isn’t maximized)
the Macros dialog box
all worksheets in all open workbooks
the selected portion of a formula
the selected portion of a formula with the calculated value when followed by
ENTER (or followed by CTRL+SHIFT+ENTER for array formulas)
the active worksheet
the workbook window
all worksheets in all open workbooks, regardless of whether they have changed
since the last calculation
dependent formulas, and then calculates all cells in all open workbooks,
including cells not marked as needing to be calculated
the Menu Bar
an open menu and submenu at the same time
the Shortcut menu for the selected item
a menu of commands for the Help window when the Help window has active focus
or restores the selected workbook window
the menu or message for a smart tag (If more than one smart tag is present,
switches to the next smart tag and displays its menu or message)
a chart of the data in the current range
a new worksheet
between the Visual Basic Editor and the previous active window
the Microsoft Script Editor
the Save As dialog box
the active workbook
the Open dialog box
the Print dialog box
Lesson 14 of 30:
General Tips on Excel Functions and Formulas
To become an
expert you do not need to learn about all the functions in Excel you need to
learn how to assemble THE FUNCTIONS THAT YOU NEED into useful Excel spreadsheet
I work on hundreds
of projects each year and I use only 20% of the 328 functions (See lesson 30)
and 17 signs offered by Microsoft Excel.
Learning about
Excel functions and formulas is like learning a new language so that you can
talk to Excel. In this new language the FUNCTIONS are words and the FORMULAS
are sentences. If you can say it in English there is a formula for it. You
might know only 4 words in English "Be", "Not",
"To" and "Or" but your words become very powerful and
meaningful when you write: To be or not to be
General Tips on Functions and Formulas
There is even one function that
Excel does not offer you when you click on the "Insert Function"
icon, it is DATEDIF that allows you to calculate the number of days,
months or years between two dates (See lesson 22).
To copy an Excel formula all the
way down a column you can use the Auto fill handle located in the right
lower corner of the selected cell. So, if you have numbers in cells A1 to A1000
and other numbers in cells B1 to B1000, write a formula in C1 (ex. =A1+B1),
click Enter, re-select cell C1 move your cursor toward the right bottom corner
of the cell and when it changes to a bold "+" sign
double-click).Automatically, the formula will be pasted in cells C2 to C1000.
To enter the same value or formula
in many cells of your spreadsheet, select the cells, type the value, or the
formula in the formula bar at the top of the screen and press Ctrl/Enter.
To write more than 1 line of text
in a cell go to the menu bar "Format/Cell/Alignment", check
"Wrap Text" choose "Top" as vertical
To force a line break within such a
cell, use "Alt/Enter".
If on opening, your workbook Excel
tells you that there are links to other Excel spreadsheets these links
can be in formulas (formulas that you have copied from another workbook). Links
can also be source data for a chart or a pivot table that you have imported.
A formula must not be longer than
1,024 characters.
Always write your functions in
lower case letters Excel will change the case if the spelling is right. If the
case does not change, you will know that the spelling is wrong.
When you
copy/paste a formula from one workbook to another, you take the risk of
creating useless links between the workbooks. Select the formula without the
equal sign, copy,
ENTER, go to the destination cell, enter an equal sign and the paste.
Use the same approach to copy part
of a formula from one cell to the other or to copy a formula without changing
the addresses in it. But remember...copy...CLICK ENTER...paste.
Try to develop a
single Excel formula that you will copy/paste in an entire table.
do so, you have to become good at using relative or absolute references.
Sometimes you need a relative reference (B4) sometimes you need an absolute
reference (B$4$) and sometimes you need something in between (B$4, B4$). To add
the "$", click on the address in the formula bar and use the
"F4" key once, twice or three or four times as you need (See
lesson 16).
You don't need to key in all the
characters of your formula. Enter an equal sign "=" in cell A2
and then select cell A1 with your mouse. Click enter and the formula is =A1. In cell A2, key
in "=A1+" and then select cell A2 with your mouse. Click enter and the
formula is =A1+A2. Key in "=SUM (" in cell A5 then select cells A1 to
A4 holding the left button of the mouse. Clicks enter and the formula is "=SUM (A1:A4)". This tip becomes
very handy when you need to refer to cells on another worksheet or in another
workbook. Enter an equal sign "=" in cell A1 of "Sheet1"
and then select cell A1 of "Sheet2" with your mouse. Click enter and
the formula is =Sheet2! A1. This tip will become a regular practice when
you start working with powerful formulas like SUMPRODUCT and INDEX/MATCH.
I use as many parentheses as I need
to make my formulas easy to read and to make sure that Excel calculates what I
need to be calculated.
example: If you have 1 in cell A1, 2 in cell A2 and 3 in cell A3 this formula
"=A1+A2*A3" in cell A4
will result in 7 as this formula "=(A1+A2)*A3" will result
in 9. Excel multiplies, divides, then sums, and subtracts. To make sure that
Excel does what I want it to do and to make my formulas easy to read I use
a lot of parenthesis. Excel does not consider extra parentheses an error.
The second formula above could be
entered as "= (((((A1+A2))*A3)))" as long as you have pairs
parentheses ().
If the name of the
sheet that you are referring to contains spaces or special characters Excel
adds or you need to add apostrophes before and after the sheet's name
"='two&two'!A1" or "='two two'!A1"
If you refer to a cell or a range
in another workbook the name of the workbook is in between square parenthesis
and the workbook name and sheets name are together surrounded by apostrophes
like: ='[Second book.xls]Sheet1'!$A$1
With a formula,
you can even refer to a workbook that is on the Internet like:
Open a new workbook copy/paste the
formula above and close it. When you re-open it the result is $1,729.75 the
same value than the value of cell D8 of sheet1 of excel-online.xls that is on
my server. Now download the spreadsheet that feeds the report. If I'd make
changes on "excel-online.xls" that is sitting on my
server, your workbook would be automatically refreshed.
About circular references: A
formula cannot refer to the cell within which it resides or to a cell that
is used in calculating its own value. If A1's formula is =A2+A3, A3 cannot be
=A1. There are 2 ways around a circular reference, a macro (VBA) or the
iteration functionality.
using the 12 important Excel functions in the Date & Time category.
Functions What it Does
DATE Returns
the serial number of a particular date
DAY converts
a serial number to a day of the month
HOUR converts
a serial number to an hour
MINUTE converts
a serial number to a minute
MONTH converts a
serial number to a month
NOW Returns
the S.No. Of the current date and time
SECOND Converts
an a second
TIME Returns
the S.No. S.No. of a particular time
TODAY Returns
the S.No. of today's date
WEEKDAY Converts an
S.No. to a day of the week
YEAR Converts
an S.No. S.No. to a year
DATEDIF Calculates
the interval between two dates
If you enter the date 2/1/2005
in cell A1 and the number format of the cell is "General" you will
see 38394. This is a "Serial
number" and it is the way Excel works with dates and times. When
you format the cell or use one of the functions below the serial number is
viewed as times and dates
To enter the date of the day no
need to key it in, click and hold the CTRL key and click on the semi-colon key
(;) and there is the date.
To enter the time, click and hold
both the Shift and the CTRL keys and click on the colon key (:) and there is
the time.
Microsoft Excel does
not work with dates and times; it works with serial numbers this means that
when you enter 12/25/2004 Excel sees 38346 and if you enter 12/26/2004 Excel
sees 38347. When you enter 12:00:00 PM Excel reads 0.5 and if you write
12:00:01 PM Excel reads 0.5000116. It is when you format the cell
"Format/Cells" that you can read dates and times as we humans are
accustomed to see them.
By the way, I was born on 18373 at 0.25 so I am an Aries, and you? This being
said, most functions of the category Date & Time are quite easy to work
with when you use the right cell format.
For example, when you are adding times and
expect the total to be over 24 hours you must set the format of the result cell
to "Format/Cells/Time/37:30:55".
If you develop a time
management application, don't go through the trouble of working with clock
time. Ask your people to enter either the number of hours worked by projects or
the number of minutes then work with regular numbers. Much easier.
The three most important
things that you should remember when working with dates and times are FORMAT,
You do not
necessary need Excel functions of the date & time category to work with
For example:
Let's say that you
have the dates 1/16/2005 in cell A1 and 1/22/2005 in cell B1 to add a day is:
=B1+A1 will return 3 if
the format of the cell is either "General" or "Number"
It will return 1/6/1900 if the format is "Date"
It will return 1/6/1900 if the format is "Date"
With the proper
format if you have a date in cell A1 and you want the date for the next day in
cell B1 (formatted "date") the formula will be: =A1+1
calculate the date of a week later the formula will be: =A1+7
You cannot do the
same thing with times.
Let's say that you
have the times 7:31PM in cell A1 and 8:31PM in cell B1
the formula: =B1-A1 will return 0.04 if the format of the cell is either "General" or "Number"
and it will return 1:00:00PM which is not 1 but the time representation of the serial number 0.04
the formula: =B1-A1 will return 0.04 if the format of the cell is either "General" or "Number"
and it will return 1:00:00PM which is not 1 but the time representation of the serial number 0.04
Examples of basic
Excel Date and Time Formulas
Most of the Excel
functions in the category date and time are not used alone but here are
examples of what they would return. Among the ones that work alone are: DATEDIF
One note to start.
If you go to the menu "Insert/Function”, you won't find this function.
Excel has forgotten it. Here is how it works. Let's say that you have the dates
1/16/2005 in cell A1 and 1/16/2006 in cell B1:
=DATEDIF(A1,B1,"y") will return 1
=DATEDIF(A1,B1,"m") will return 12
=DATEDIF(A1,B1,"d") will return 365
If you enter the
formula =TODAY () with the parentheses in a cell it will show the date
at which the spreadsheet was opened. Each time that you open the
spreadsheet the date hanges.
If you enter the
formula =NOW () with the parentheses in a cell it will show the date and time at which
the spreadsheet was opened. Each time that you open the spreadsheet the
date and time change.
The other
functions work in conjunction with others of the category or with other
functions. Here is what they return when used alone.
With a date in A1
like 12/15/2005 the formulas
=DAY (A1),
=MONTH (A1) and
=YEAR (A1)
return 15, 12 and 2005.
a TIME in A1 like 1:31:45PM the formulas =SECOND (A1), =MINUTE (A1) and =HOUR (A1) will return 1,
31 and 45.
If the date
in A1 is 1/16/2006 and it is a Monday the formula =WEEKDAY (A1) will return 2.
For most users day 1 is Sunday. Check what your system says because in some
cases day 1 is Monday.
With the DATE
function, the arguments are always in the following order (year, month, day)
whatever the date format specified in your regional parameters.
With a date in
cell A1; the formula to add a days:
The formula to add a week is : =DATE(YEAR(A1),MONTH(A1)+1,DAY(A1)+7)
The formula to add a month is: =DATE(YEAR(A1),MONTH(A1)+1,DAY(A1))
The formula to add a year is: =DATE(YEAR(A1)+1,MONTH(A1),DAY(A1))
The last day of the month preceding the
date in A1 is:=DATE(YEAR(A1),MONTH(A1),DAY(A1)-DAY(A1))
The first day of the month following the
date in A1 is: =DATE(YEAR(A1),MONTH(A1)+1,DAY(A1)-DAY(A1)+1)
You can also use
numbers as arguments: =DATE(2005, 12, 31) will return
With the TIME function,
the arguments are always in the following order (hour, minute, second).With a
time in cell A1;
The formula to add
an hour is:=TIME(HOUR(A1),MINUTE(A1)+1,SECOND(A1)
The formula to add
a minute is: =TIME(HOUR(A1),MINUTE(A1)+1,SECOND(A1))
The formula to add
a second is:=TIME(HOUR(A1),MINUTE(A1),SECOND(A1)+1)
The formula to add
a day is:=TIME(HOUR(A1)+24,MINUTE(A1),SECOND(A1))
You can also use
numbers as arguments:=TIME(2,31,45)
will return
2:31:45AM=TIME(14,31,45) will return 2:31:45PM
To sum hours over a
total of 24, you must modify the format of the result cell."Format"/"Cell"/"Personalized"/"[h]:
To transform
minutes in hours and minutes (125 becoming 2:05), use this formula (the format
of the cell where the formula resides must be hh:mm):=A1/1440
When you want to
multiply hours and minutes by an hourly rate to obtain a salary with the time
in A1 and the rate in B1 you must use the following formula in C1:
In plain English,
multiply the number of hours by the rate and then add the number of minutes
divided by 60 multiplied by the rate. Don't forget to set the format of cell B1
to "Currency".
My client wanted a
spreadsheet that would tell her when it is the birthday of an employee. We created
a spreadsheet with the names in column A and the dates of birth in column B. In
cell D1 was this formula =NOW () that changes date each day.
In column
C we put this formula:
Meaning that if
the date difference in days and in months between cell B2 and cell D1 is zero
then show "Anniversary" else show nothing.We fine tuned:
Meaning that if the date difference
in days and in months between cell B2 and cell D1 is zero then show "Happy
Anniversary" else
if the date
difference in days between cell B2 and cell D1 is smaller than 7 return
"Anniversary coming" else show nothing.
Copy/paste the formula above in your spreadsheet. If you want to be
alerted more that a week before the anniversary change the 7 for 30 in the
formula. This way you will be alerted a month in advance.
Example formula what it does?
=SUM (A: A) Adds all numbers
in column A
=AVERAGE (A1:B4) Averages all numbers in
the range
the cell in which you want to enter the formula.
1. To
start the formula with the function, click Insert Function
on the formula bar (formula
bar: A bar at the top of the Excel window that you use to enter or edit values
or formulas in cells or charts. Displays the constant value or formula stored
in the active cell.)

2. Select
the function you want to use. You can enter a question that describes what you
want to do in the Search for a function box (for example, "add
numbers" returns the SUM function), or browse from the categories in the or
Select a category box.
3. Enter
the arguments (argument: The values that a function uses to
perform operations or calculations. The type of argument a function uses is
specific to the function. Common arguments that are used within functions
include numbers, text, cell references, and names.). To enter
cell references as an argument, click Collapse Dialog
to temporarily hide the
dialog box. Select the cells on the worksheet, then press Expand Dialog

4. When
you complete the formula, press ENTER.
Nested functions use a function as one of the
arguments of another function. The following formula sums a set of numbers
(G2:G5) only if the average of another set of numbers (F2:F5) is greater than
50. Otherwise, it returns 0.

the cell in which you want to enter the formula.
To start the formula with the
function, click Insert Function
on the formula bar (formula bar: A bar at the top of the Excel window
that you use to enter or edit values or formulas in cells or charts. Displays
the constant value or formula stored in the active cell.)

2. Select
the function you want to use. You can enter a question that describes what you
want to do in the Search for a function box (for example, "add
numbers" returns the SUM function), or browse from the categories in the Or
Select a category box.
Enter the arguments (argument:
The values that a function uses to perform operations or calculations. The type
of argument a function uses is specific to the function. Common arguments that
are used within functions include numbers, text, cell references, and names.).
4. To
enter cell references as an argument, click Collapse Dialog
next to the argument
you want to temporarily hide the dialog box. Select the cells on the worksheet;
then press Expand Dialog

5. To
enter another function as an argument, enter the function in the argument box
you want. For example, you can add SUM (G2:G5) in the Value_if_true edit
6. To
switch the parts of the formula displayed in the Function Arguments
dialog box, click a function name in the formula bar. For example, if you click
IF, the arguments for the IF function appear.
You can quickly
enter the same formula into a range of cells. Select the range you want to
calculate, type the formula, and then press CTRL+ENTER. For example, if you
type =SUM (A1:B1) in range C1:C5, and then press CTRL+ENTER, Excel enters the
formula in each cell of the range, using A1 as a relative reference
(relative reference: In a formula, the address of a
cell based on the relative position of the cell that contains the formula and
the cell referred to. If you copy the formula, the reference automatically
adjusts. A relative reference takes the form A1.).
If you are
familiar with the argument of a function, you can use the function tool tip
that appears after you type the function name and an opening parenthesis. Click
the function name to view the Help topic on the function, or click an argument
name to select the corresponding argument in your formula. To hide the function
tool tips, on the Tools menu, click Options, and then clear the Function
tool tips check box on the General tab.
(argument: The values that a function uses to perform
operations or calculations. The type of argument a function uses is specific to
the function. Common arguments that are used within functions include numbers,
text, cell references, and names.)
Applies to Microsoft Office Excel 2003 /Microsoft Excel 2000 and 2002
If you have a complex
calculation that you reuse frequently in Excel, you do not have to repeatedly
enter a long, complex worksheet formula. Instead, you can create your own
worksheet function to perform the calculation. You can then use the function to
create formulas that are easier to enter and maintain.
To create your own
custom functions, you work in Microsoft Visual Basic® for Applications (VBA).
VBA is a programming language that is built into Excel. VBA is very flexible
and can do everything that Excel formulas can do, and more.
For example, say you
have a complex formula for figuring sales commissions, where the commission
percentage changes based on several factors such as what products and mix of
products a representative sells, whether the sales rep is under quota and the
total sales for the quarter. Instead of entering the lengthy formula that takes
all of these factors into account every time you want to calculate the
commission for a sale, you can create a custom commission function. Then all
you have to type in your commission formulas is the name of your function.
Furthermore, the next
time your company changes the rules for how commissions are calculated, you do
not have to find and make tedious changes to all of your complex formulas. You
only have to make changes in one place, the custom function, to update all the
formulas in your workbook.
The following steps
show how to create and use a custom function. To keep the example simple, this function
calculates a sales commission at a flat 6% rate. To take full advantage of a
custom function, you would substitute more complex VB code for this simple
percentage calculation.
1. On the Tools menu, point to Macro, and then click Visual Basic Editor.
2. On the Insert menu in the Microsoft Visual Basic window, click Module.
3. In the Modulen window, type the code for
your function. For example, a function to calculate a 6% sales commission might
look like this:

The first line in the example above creates a function
named Commission, which performs its calculations on a number or cell
reference. The function uses a variable, MyNum, to store the number or value
from the cell. The second line calculates the value of the Commission function
by multiplying the number or cell reference (MyNum) by 0.06 (a more
sophisticated function could have several lines of code to perform its
calculations). The third line ends the function code.
4. On the File menu,
click Close and Return to Microsoft Excel.
5. On the worksheet,
use your function in formulas as you would any worksheet function. For example,
you could use the Commission function to calculate the commissions on sales:
A function that you create in this manner is
available for use only in the workbook where you create it. If you want to use
the function elsewhere, you can copy the code for the function to VBA modules
in other workbooks; or, if you are a developer, you can copy the function into
a workbook used as a function library and compile that workbook as an add in
Note The example in this article is highly simplified to show you the
basics. To create sophisticated functions in VBA, you will need some knowledge
of the Excel 2000 VBA object model, VB language structures, and the VBA
environment. For

example, you'd want to declare argument and return
data types in any functions you create. To start learning about programming in
VBA, see the references below.
More information
For more information about creating formulas that include functions,
type functions in formulas in the Office Assistant or on the Answer
Wizard tab in the Excel Help window, and then click Search.
For information about creating custom functions in VBA, type function
procedure in the Office Assistant or on the Answer Wizard tab in the Excel
Visual Basic Help window, click Search, and then click topics
"Writing a Function Procedure" and "Function Statement”.
If you are
new to VBA programming, the Microsoft Office 2000/Visual
Basic Programmer's Guide has
information to help you get started. For Information about how to obtain this
guide, type programmer's guide in the
Office Assistant or on the Answer Wizard tab in the Excel Help Window, and then
click Search.
Formula in the worksheet

2. Formula result
3. Formula in the formula bar
Find the date after a number of workdays
Suppose you need to find a date, such as an invoice
due date or project end date that occurs a number of workdays (Monday through
Friday) before or after a certain date. It's easy: use the WORKDAY function.
Imagine that you have 80 workdays in which to complete
a project that begins on 12/31/2004, and you need to find the project end date.
First you would enter those values into cells A2 and A3, as shown in the
picture. Next, you would enter the dates of any holidays likely to affect the calculation,
each holiday in its own cell. Then you would type the formula into an empty
=WORKDAY (A2, A3, A4:A6)
The project must be completed by 4/26/05. Excel added 80 days (cell A3)
to 12/31/2004 (cell A2), automatically excluding weekends as well as the
holidays in this period listed in the argument A4:A6 (the colon indicates a
range of cells). A comma separates each individual argument. The parentheses
separate the arguments from the function.
Formula in the

2. Formula result
3. Formula in the
formula bar
Find the number of workdays between two dates
Finding the number of workdays (Monday through Friday) between two dates can't be done by simply subtracting one date from another. It requires a prewritten formula called the NETWORKDAYS function, which calculates the net number of workdays between two dates.
It's still June 9, 2004, and your vacation still starts on August 21, 2004, but now you want to find how many workdays until vacation. You would type the formula into an empty cell:=NETWORKDAYS (A2, A3).
There are 53 workdays until vacation. The values in cells A2 and A3 are the arguments, information that tells NETWORKDAYS what to calculate. Parentheses separate the function from the arguments. Within the parentheses, a comma separates the arguments from each other.
1. Formula in the
2. Formula result
3. Formula in the formula
Find the date after a number of years, months, & days
Now imagine that you've been given 1 year, 7 months,
and 5 days, from June 9, 2007, to finish a project, and you need to find the
project end date. You would use the DATE function again, by entering those
values into cells as shown in the picture and then typing this formula into
cell A6:=DATE (2007+B2, 6+B3, 9+B4)
2007 plus the value in cell B2 is the year argument; 6
plus the value in B3 is the month argument; 9 plus the value in B4 is the day
The project ends
on January 14, 2009. As in the last formula, because you typed the cell
references B2, B3, and B4, instead of the values themselves, Excel can
automatically update the result if those values change. If you were given more
or less time to complete the project, Excel would automatically revise the
result when you changed a value in cells B2, B3, or B4.

Find out how many days old you are today
The TODAY function is unusual; it's one of the few
Excel functions that doesn't require any argument, although it does require
opening and closing parentheses:=TODAY ()
TODAY inserts the current date, which is updated each
time a workbook is opened or recalculated.
Just for fun, you could use the TODAY function to find
out from today's date how many days old you are. You'll see how to do that
calculation in the practice session.
Note The functions in this lesson are just a few of
Excel's many, many functions. In "Find functions and enter
arguments," you can learn how to find other functions, which you can use
for all sorts of calculations.
Formula in the worksheet

2. Formula result
3. Formula in the formula bar
Find the date after a number of months
Say that you have 25 months from 6/9/2007 to complete
a project, and you need to find the project end date. You could do that by
using the DATE function. The DATE function has three arguments: year, month,
and day. After entering 25 in cell B2, you would type this formula in cell A4:=DATE
(2007,6+B2, 9) 2007 is the year argument; 6 plus the value in cell B2 is
the month argument; 9 is the day argument. Commas separate the arguments, and
parentheses enclose all the arguments.
The project ends on 7/9/2009. Because you typed the
cell reference (B2) instead of the value in that cell (25), Excel can
automatically update the result if the value changes. For example, if the time
period changes from 25 months to 23 months, you could get the revised date
5/9/2009 by changing the value in cell B2 from 25 to 23, without retyping the
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