
Sunday 29 April 2012

JewelCAD Professional Version

JewelCAD Pro 1.1 October 12, 2009
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User Guide
JewelCAD Professional Version
JewelCAD Pro 1.1 October 12, 2009
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Table of Content
Table of Content ............................................................................................................................ 2
1. Introduction .................................................................................................................... 7
1.1. Purpose of this document .......................................................................................... 7
2. Launch JewelCAD Professional Version 20091012 ............................................... 7
3. File ................................................................................................................................. 7
3.1. Open .................................................................................................................. 7
3.2. OpenJewelCadFile ............................................................................................ 8
3.3. Close .................................................................................................................. 8
3.4. Reset System ..................................................................................................... 8
3.5. Save ................................................................................................................... 8
3.6. Save as ............................................................................................................... 9
3.7. Save Screen Image ............................................................................................ 9
3.8. Import ................................................................................................................ 9
3.9. Export ................................................................................................................ 9
3.10. Recent Files ..................................................................................................... 10
3.11. Exit .................................................................................................................. 10
4. Edit............................................................................................................................... 10
4.1. Select ............................................................................................................... 10
4.2. Undo ................................................................................................................ 10
4.3. Redo ................................................................................................................ 11
4.4. Move ............................................................................................................... 11
4.5. Make Group .................................................................................................... 12
4.6. UnGroup .......................................................................................................... 12
4.7. Hide ................................................................................................................. 12
4.8. UnHide ............................................................................................................ 13
4.9. SwapHide ........................................................................................................ 13
4.10. Delete .............................................................................................................. 13
4.11. Hide CV .......................................................................................................... 14
4.12. Show CV ......................................................................................................... 14
4.13. Hide Curve No. ............................................................................................... 14
4.14. Unhide Curve No. ........................................................................................... 14
4.15. Set Color ......................................................................................................... 15
4.16. Offset Iso Curve .............................................................................................. 16
5. View .............................................................................................................................. 17
5.1. Input UI ........................................................................................................... 17
5.2. ToolBar ............................................................................................................ 18
5.3. Status bar ......................................................................................................... 18
5.4. Front View ....................................................................................................... 18
5.5. Back View ....................................................................................................... 18
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5.6. Top View ......................................................................................................... 19
5.7. Bottom View ................................................................................................... 19
5.8. Right View ...................................................................................................... 19
5.9. Left View ......................................................................................................... 20
5.10. Isometric View ................................................................................................ 20
5.11. Zoom In ........................................................................................................... 20
5.12. Zoom Out ........................................................................................................ 20
5.13. Zoom All ......................................................................................................... 21
5.14. Reset View ...................................................................................................... 21
5.15. Zoom Window ................................................................................................. 21
5.16. Orbit ................................................................................................................ 22
5.17. Pan ................................................................................................................... 22
5.18. Display WCS ................................................................................................... 22
5.19. Smooth Shading .............................................................................................. 22
5.20. Flat Shading .................................................................................................... 23
5.21. Profile .............................................................................................................. 24
5.22. Mesh ................................................................................................................ 25
5.23. Texture............................................................................................................. 26
5.24. Div 4 Screen .................................................................................................... 27
5.25. Div 2 Screen .................................................................................................... 28
5.26. Full Screen ...................................................................................................... 28
6. Pick ............................................................................................................................... 28
6.1. Pick CV ........................................................................................................... 28
6.2. Pick Curve ....................................................................................................... 28
6.3. Pick Surface .................................................................................................... 29
6.4. Pick Body ........................................................................................................ 29
6.5. Pick Jewel ....................................................................................................... 29
6.6. Pick All ............................................................................................................ 29
7. Copy ............................................................................................................................. 29
7.1. Copy + Paste ................................................................................................... 29
7.2. Flip90 .............................................................................................................. 30
7.2.1. Up .................................................................................................................... 30
7.2.2. Down ............................................................................................................... 31
7.2.3. Left .................................................................................................................. 31
7.2.4. Right ................................................................................................................ 32
7.3. Vertical Mirror ................................................................................................. 32
7.4. Horizontal Mirror ............................................................................................ 33
7.5. Revolve180 ..................................................................................................... 34
7.6. Cycle ............................................................................................................... 34
7.7. Extend ............................................................................................................. 35
7.8. Revolve ........................................................................................................... 36
7.9. Copy to Frame ................................................................................................. 37
7.10. Transform ........................................................................................................ 37
8. Boolean ........................................................................................................................ 39
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8.1. Union ............................................................................................................... 40
8.2. Intersect ........................................................................................................... 40
8.3. Subtract ........................................................................................................... 41
8.4. SuperSubtract .................................................................................................. 42
8.5. Frame Subtract ................................................................................................ 42
9. Deform ......................................................................................................................... 42
9.1. Move ............................................................................................................... 42
9.2. Size .................................................................................................................. 42
9.3. Flip .................................................................................................................. 43
9.4. Roll .................................................................................................................. 44
9.5. Flip90 .............................................................................................................. 45
9.5.1. Up .................................................................................................................... 45
9.5.2. Down ............................................................................................................... 46
9.5.3. Left .................................................................................................................. 46
9.5.4. Right ................................................................................................................ 47
9.6. Bend ................................................................................................................ 47
9.7. Bend (Two Sides) ............................................................................................ 48
9.8. Taper ................................................................................................................ 49
9.9. Taper (Two Sides) ........................................................................................... 49
9.10. Scaled Taper .................................................................................................... 50
9.11. Scaled Taper (Two Sides) ................................................................................ 50
9.12. Screw ............................................................................................................... 51
9.13. Screw (Two Sides) .......................................................................................... 52
9.14. Twist ................................................................................................................ 53
9.15. SK-Twist ......................................................................................................... 53
9.16. Whirl ............................................................................................................... 54
9.17. Transform ........................................................................................................ 55
9.18. UV-Map ........................................................................................................... 55
9.19. ProjMap ........................................................................................................... 57
10. Curve ............................................................................................................................ 58
10.1. Simple ............................................................................................................. 58
10.2. Vertical Mirror ................................................................................................. 59
10.3. Horizontal Mirror ............................................................................................ 60
10.4. Revolve180° .................................................................................................... 60
10.5. Cycle ............................................................................................................... 61
10.6. Extend ............................................................................................................. 62
10.7. Revolve ........................................................................................................... 63
10.8. Curve Snap ...................................................................................................... 64
10.9. Sketch .............................................................................................................. 65
10.10. Line ................................................................................................................. 65
10.11. Polygon ........................................................................................................... 66
10.12. Circle ............................................................................................................... 67
10.13. Helix ................................................................................................................ 68
10.14. Curve on Surface ............................................................................................. 69
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10.15. Adjust .............................................................................................................. 69
10.15.1. Adjust Simple .......................................................................................... 69
10.15.2. Adjust Horizontal .................................................................................... 70
10.15.3. Adjust Vertical ......................................................................................... 71
10.15.4. Adjust Revolve 180 ................................................................................. 73
10.15.5. Adjust Cycle ............................................................................................ 73
10.15.6. Adjust Extend .......................................................................................... 74
10.15.7. Adjust Revolve ........................................................................................ 75
10.16. Close ................................................................................................................ 75
10.17. Open ................................................................................................................ 76
10.18. Divide .............................................................................................................. 76
10.19. Join Curve ....................................................................................................... 77
10.20. Split Curve ...................................................................................................... 77
10.21. Offset Curve .................................................................................................... 78
10.22. In Between Curve ............................................................................................ 79
10.24. Convert to Simple Curve ................................................................................. 80
10.26. Offset ISO Curve ............................................................................................. 82
11. Surface ......................................................................................................................... 83
11.1. Extend ............................................................................................................. 83
11.2. Vertical Revolve .............................................................................................. 84
11.3. Horizontal Revolve ......................................................................................... 86
11.4. Transform ........................................................................................................ 87
11.5. Loft .................................................................................................................. 90
11.6. Pipe .................................................................................................................. 91
11.7. Rail .................................................................................................................. 92
11.8. Cylinder ........................................................................................................... 94
11.9. Cone ................................................................................................................ 94
11.10. Sphere .............................................................................................................. 95
11.11. Close ................................................................................................................ 95
11.12. Open ................................................................................................................ 95
11.13. Adaptive .......................................................................................................... 96
11.14. Flip Normal ..................................................................................................... 96
11.15. Insert Local CV ............................................................................................... 97
12. Tools ............................................................................................................................. 97
12.1. Options ............................................................................................................ 97
12.2. Set Custom Style ........................................................................................... 100
12.3. Jewel Lib ....................................................................................................... 102
12.4. Materials ........................................................................................................ 102
12.5. Load Image ................................................................................................... 103
12.6. Auto Arrange Jewel ....................................................................................... 104
12.7. Mouse Arrange Jewel .................................................................................... 104
12.8. Put Diamond on Line .................................................................................... 105
12.9. Copy to Frame ............................................................................................... 106
12.10. Measure ......................................................................................................... 106
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12.10.1. Distance ................................................................................................. 106
12.10.2. Area ....................................................................................................... 106
12.10.3. Estimate Weight .................................................................................... 106
12.10.4. Volume .................................................................................................. 107
12.11. Ring Size ....................................................................................................... 107
13. Misc ............................................................................................................................ 107
13.1. T-Line ............................................................................................................ 107
13.2. Create Font .................................................................................................... 108
14. Help ............................................................................................................................ 109
14.1. Help Topic {not finished} ............................................................................. 109
14.2. About JewelCAD Pro .................................................................................... 109
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1. Introduction
1.1. Purpose of this document
This specification explains how the user can use the system effectively.
Capability of each provided function is described.
2. Launch JewelCAD Professional
Version 20091012
After installing JewelCAD Professional Version 1.1, there will be an icon on the
desktop as illustrated in fig. 2.1. JewelCAD Professional Version 1.1 can be
launched by double-click this icon.
Fig.2.1 snapshot of JewelCAD icon
3. File
3.1. Open
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Menu access: File -> Open
Icon access: Tabtoolbar -> Common ->
Function: Opening 3D shape file. File preview is supported at the dialogue.
The supported file formats are:
 J3D: 3D model file from JewelCAD Professional Version 1.1
All files: all the file formats JewelCAD can handle
3.2. OpenJewelCadFile
Icon: N/A
Menu access: File -> OpenJewelCadFile
Function: Opening models created by JewelCAD software with “*.jcd” format.
3.3. Close
Icon: N/A
Menu access: File -> Close
Function: Closing the current session. When closing, if the file has not been
saved, the function “Save File” will be invoked automatically.
3.4. Reset System
Icon: N/A
Menu access: File -> Reset System
Function: Resetting the working environment to the default setting.
3.5. Save
Menu access: File -> Save
Icon access: Tabtoolbar -> Common ->
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Function: Saving the model with “jcd” format.
3.6. Save as
Icon: N/A
Menu access: File -> Save as
Function: saving file with detail preferences. For example, this function can be
used to save the current opened file as a new file in another file name.
3.7. Save Screen Image
Icon: N/A
Save the current drawing window as bmp/png/jpg file.
3.8. Import
Icon: N/A
Menu access: File -> Import
Function: importing files with the following formats:
 STL files
 DXF files
 OBJ files
3.9. Export
Icon: N/A
Menu access: File -> Export
Function: exporting files with the following formats:
 STL txt files: export the selected body’s data to a STL format file
 STL bin files
 SLC: export slice file of the model to be used in fast manufacturing
 OBJ files
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3.10. Recent Files
Icon: N/A
Menu access: File -> Recent Files
Function: shortcut access to the most recently opened files
3.11. Exit
Icon: N/A
Menu access: File -> Exit
Function: suspending current operations and quitting Jewel3D
4. Edit
4.1. Select
Menu access: Edit -> Select
Icon access 1: Tabtoolbar -> Edit ->
Icon access 2: Often Use Tool toolbar ->
Function: Select an entity before doing further operation.
 Access “Select”
 Left-Click the entity to be selected
Tips: You can select multiple entities by ctrl-click.
4.2. Undo
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Menu access: Edit -> Undo
Icon access: Tabtoolbar -> Edit ->
Function: Return to the earlier status before current operationi
Operations: Access the “Undo” button to go back one earlier step
4.3. Redo
Menu access: Edit -> Undo
Icon access: Tabtoolbar -> Edit ->
Function: Reverse operation of “Undo”
Operations: Access the “Redo” button to cancel one “Undo” operation
4.4. Move
Function: Move entity by dragging it
Menu access: Deform -> Move
Icon access: Tabtoolbar -> Deform ->
(1) Select the entity
(2) Hold left button down to drag it to the target position
(3) Release the left button and finish the operation
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4.5. Make Group
Menu access: Edit -> Make Group
Icon access: Tabtoolbar -> Edit ->
Function: Make several entities into one group. Operations on the group will be
implemented to all members accordingly.
(1) Access “Make Group”
(2) Select the entity
(3) Right-Click to finish the operation.
4.6. UnGroup
Menu access: Edit -> Ungroup
Icon access: Tabtoolbar -> Edit ->
Function: Separate the grouped entities into individuals
(1) Access “UnGroup”
(2) Select the group
(3) Right-Click to finish the operation
4.7. Hide
Menu access: Edit -> Hide
Icon access: Tabtoolbar -> Edit ->
Function: Hide entity
(1) Access “Hide”
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(2) Select the entity
4.8. UnHide
Menu access: Edit -> UnHide
Icon access: Tabtoolbar -> Edit ->
Function: Display hidden entity
(1) Access “UnHide”
(2) Select the entity
4.9. SwapHide
Menu access: Edit -> SwapHide
Icon access: Tabtoolbar -> Edit ->
Function: Display the hidden entities while hiding the visible entities
Operations: Access “SwapHide”
4.10. Delete
Menu access: Edit -> Delete
Icon access: Tabtoolbar -> Edit ->
Function: Delete entity
(1) Access “Delete”
(2) Select entity to be deleted
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4.11. Hide CV
Menu access: Edit -> Hide CV
Icon access: Tabtoolbar -> Edit ->
Function: Hide all CVs of entity
(1) Access “Hide CV”
(2) Select the entity
4.12. Show CV
Menu access: Edit -> Show CV
Icon access: Tabtoolbar -> Edit ->
Function: Show all CVs of an entity
(1) Access “Show CV”
(2) Select the entity
4.13. Hide Curve No.
Icon: N/A
Menu access: Edit -> Hide Curve No.
Function: hide number (NO.) of curve
(1) Access “Hide Num”
(2) Select the curve
4.14. Unhide Curve No.
Icon: N/A
Menu access: Edit -> Unhide Curve No.
Function: unhide number (NO.) of curve
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(1) Access “Unhide Curve No.”
(2) Select the curve
4.15. Set Color
Menu access: Edit -> Set Color
Icon access: Tabtoolbar -> Edit ->
Function: Set Color for entity
(1) Access “Set Color”.
(2) Select the entity and then the entity will be highlighted with red
(3) Right-Click. The color panel will pop out.
(4) Choose or set desired color and Access “OK” in the panel. Example: is
showed as follows:
Fig.4.16.1 Original surface Fig. 4.16.2 Highlighted surface
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Fig. 4.16.3 Color setting panel
Fig. 4.16.4 Surface with final color
4.16. Offset Iso Curve
Menu access: Edit -> Offset Iso Curve
Icon access: Tabtoolbar -> Edit ->
Function: create two isocurves
(1) Access “Offset Iso Curve”
(2) Select surface
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(3) Input the offset distance either along U direction or V direction in UI
(4) Left click on the surface to create
5. View
5.1. Input UI
Icon: N/A
Menu access: View -> Input UI
Tag access: right click on tag (as the following figure illustrates)
Fig. 5.1.1 Snapshot of tag access
Function: pop-out panel for inputting value and selecting strategy
For example, when “Extend” is accessed in “Copy” menu, a Input-UI-panel will
pop out to accept the distance values in vertical, horizontal and In/Out direction
in copy operation as showed in Fig.5.1.
Fig.5.1.2 Value-Input-Panel
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5.2. ToolBar
Icon: N/A
Menu access: View -> Toolbar
Tag access: right click on tag
Function: contains some common used tools in icons format for quick access
as showed in Fig.5.2.
Fig.5.2.1 snapshot of Tool Bar
5.3. Status bar
Icon: N/A
Menu access: View -> Status bar
Function: showing some tip information and the coordinates (x, y, z) of where
the mouse locates in the drawing window. It is showed in Fig.5.3
Fig.5.3.1 Status Bar
5.4. Front View
Menu access: View -> Front View
Icon access: Tabtoolbar -> View ->
Function: Viewing from +Z direction. X-axis is horizontal, Y-axis is vertical,
Z-axis is perpendicular to the screen and points outwards.
5.5. Back View
Menu access: View -> Back View
Icon access: Tabtoolbar -> View ->
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Function: opposite view of front view.
5.6. Top View
Menu access: View -> Top View
Icon access: Tabtoolbar -> View ->
Function: viewing from X-axis is horizontal, Z-axis is vertical, Y axis is
perpendicular to the screen and points outwards
5.7. Bottom View
Menu access: View -> Bottom View
Icon access: Tabtoolbar -> View ->
Function: opposite view of top view
5.8. Right View
Menu access: View -> Right View
Icon access: Tabtoolbar -> View ->
Function: X-axis is perpendicular to the screen and points outwards, Y-axis is
vertical, Z-axis is vertical
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5.9. Left View
Menu access: View -> Left View
Icon access: Tabtoolbar -> View ->
Function: opposite view of right view
5.10. Isometric View
Menu access: View -> Isometric View
Icon access: Tabtoolbar -> View ->
Function: oblique viewing of the object
5.11. Zoom In
Menu access: View -> Zoom In
Icon access: Tabtoolbar -> View ->
Function: make the view point closer to the model such that the model become
5.12. Zoom Out
Menu access: View -> Zoom Out
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Icon access: Tabtoolbar -> View ->
Function: make the view point further away from the model such that the model
become smaller
5.13. Zoom All
Menu access: View -> Zoom All
Icon access: Tabtoolbar -> View ->
Function: provide a full screen view and the model is located in center
5.14. Reset View
Menu access: View -> Reset View
Icon access: Tabtoolbar -> View ->
Function: refresh the display interface with default settings
5.15. Zoom Window
Menu access: View -> Zoom Window
Icon access: Tabtoolbar -> View ->
Function: zoom the selected region to full screen
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5.16. Orbit
Menu access: View -> Orbit
Icon access: Tabtoolbar -> View ->
Function: view the object by rotating the “eye” location
5.17. Pan
Menu access: View -> Pan
Icon access: Tabtoolbar -> View ->
Function: View the object by translating the “eye” location
5.18. Display WCS
Menu access: View -> Display WCS
Icon access: Tabtoolbar -> View ->
Function: switch between display and hide the world coordinate system
5.19. Smooth Shading
Menu access: View -> smooth shading
Icon access: Tabtoolbar -> View ->
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Function: provide smooth shading display of model
The smooth shading model of solid object is as follows:
Fig. 5.20.1 Smooth shading of ball
The smooth shading model of surface object is as follows:
Fig. 5.20.2 Smooth shading of surface
5.20. Flat Shading
Menu access: View -> Flat Shading
Icon access: Tabtoolbar -> View ->
Function: provide flat shading display of model
The flat shading model of solid object is as follows:
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Fig. 5.21.1 Flat shading of ball
The flat shading model of surface object is as follows:
Fig. 5.21.2 Flat shading of surface
5.21. Profile
Menu access: View -> Profile
Icon access: Tabtoolbar -> View ->
Function: provide profile display of model
The profile model of solid object is as follows:
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Fig. 5.22.1 Profile shading of ball
The profile model of surface object is as follows:
Fig. 5.22.2 Profile shading of surface
5.22. Mesh
Menu access: View -> Mesh
Icon access: Tabtoolbar -> View ->
Function: provide mesh display of model
The mesh model of solid object is as follows:
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Fig. 5.23.1 Mesh shading of ball
The mesh model of surface object is as follows:
Fig. 5.23.2 Mesh shading of surface
5.23. Texture
Menu access: View -> Texture
Icon access: Tabtoolbar -> View ->
Function: provide texture display of model
The texture model of solid object is as follows:
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Fig. 5.24.1 Texture shading of ball
The texture model of surface model is as follows:
Fig. 5.24.2 Texture shading of surface
5.24. Div 4 Screen
Menu access: View -> Div 4 Screen
Icon access: Tabtoolbar -> View ->
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Function: divide the screen into 4 sub windows to display object in 4 separate
5.25. Div 2 Screen
Menu access: View -> Div 2 Screen
Icon access: Tabtoolbar -> View ->
Function: divide the screen into 2 sub windows to display object in 2 separate
5.26. Full Screen
Menu access: View -> Full Screen
Icon access: Tabtoolbar -> View ->
Function: display object in full screen
6. Pick
6.1. Pick CV
Icon: N/A
Menu access: Pick -> Pick CV
Function: pick CV to edit CV.
6.2. Pick Curve
Icon: N/A
Menu access: Pick -> Pick Curve
Function: pick curve to edit curve.
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6.3. Pick Surface
Icon: N/A
Menu access: Pick -> Pick Surface
Function: pick surface to edit surface.
6.4. Pick Body
Icon: N/A
Menu access: Pick -> Pick Body
Function: pick body to edit body.
6.5. Pick Jewel
Icon: N/A
Menu access: Pick -> Pick Jewel
Function: pick jewel to edit jewel
6.6. Pick All
Icon: N/A
Menu access: Pick -> Pick All
Function: pick all the geometric entities in the window.
7. Copy
7.1. Copy + Paste
Menu access: Copy -> Copy + Paste
Icon access: Tabtoolbar -> Copy ->
Function: Create copy of selected entity
(1) Access “Copy + Paste”
(2) Select entity
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(3) Hold-Left-Button-Down and drag the copy to the expected location
(4) Right-Click to finish
Example: is showed as follows:
Fig.7.1.1 Original curve Fig. 7.1.2 Drag and place the copy
7.2. Flip90
Function: Create a copy of selected entity by flipping it with 90 degree in
selected direction in current view (note that it’s not necessary in standard view).
(1) Choose the operation including “Up”, “Left”, “Down”, “Right” in the Flip90
(2) Left-Click to select the entity to be flip copied.
(3) Right-Click to end operation.
7.2.1. Up
Icon: N/A
Menu access: Copy -> Flip90 -> Up
Function: flip the selected entity 9following the right hand rule by pointing
thumb along positive horizontal axis.
Example: is showed as follows:
Fig. Before Flip90 Fig. After Flip90 upwards (Front)
Fig. After Flip90 upwards (Oblique)
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7.2.2. Down
Icon: N/A
Menu access: Copy -> Flip90 -> Down
Function: flip the selected entity 9following the right hand rule by pointing
thumb along negative horizontal axis.
Example: is showed as follows:
Fig. Before Flip90 Fig. After Flip90 downwards (Front)
Fig. After Flip90 downwards (Oblique)
7.2.3. Left
Icon: N/A
Menu access: Copy -> Flip90 -> Left
Function: flip the selected entity 9following the right hand rule by pointing
thumb along negative vertical axis
Example: is showed as follows:
Fig. Before Flip90 Fig. After Flip90 leftwards (Front)
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Fig. After Flip90 leftwards (Oblique)
7.2.4. Right
Icon: N/A
Menu access: Copy -> Flip90 -> Right
Function: flip the selected entity 9following the right hand rule by pointing
thumb along positive vertical axis
Example: is showed as follows:
Fig. Before Flip90 Fig. After Flip90 rightwards (Front)
Fig. After Flip90 rightwards (Oblique)
7.3. Vertical Mirror
Menu access: Copy -> Vertical Mirror
Icon access: Tabtoolbar -> Copy ->
Function: Create copy of selected entity mirror across the vertical plane in
current view
Tips: Note that this tool is only available in standard view.
(1) Make sure it is in standard view (front, back, top, bottom, right, left)
(2) Access “Vertical Mirror”
(3) Select entity to be mirrored
(4) Right-Click to end operation
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Example: is showed as follows:
Fig.7.3.1 Before vertical mirror Fig.7.3.2 After vertical mirroring
7.4. Horizontal Mirror
Menu access: Copy -> Horizontal Mirror
Icon access: Tabtoolbar -> Copy ->
Function: Create copy of selected entity mirror across the horizontal plane in
current view.
Tips: note that this tool is only available in standard view.
(1) Make sure it is in standard view (front, back, top, bottom, right, left)
(2) Access “Horizontal Mirror”
(3) Left-Click to select the entity to be mirrored
(4) Right-Click to end operation
Example: is showed as follows:
Fig.7.4.1 Before horizontal mirror Fig.7.4.2 After horizontal mirroring
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7.5. Revolve180
Menu access: Copy -> Revolve180
Icon access: Tabtoolbar -> Copy ->
Function: Create one or several copies of selected entity by revolving it 18
about the normal direction of current standard view
Tips: note that this tool is only available in standard view.
(1) Make sure it is in standard view (front, back, top, bottom, right, left).
(2) Access “Revolve180”.
(3) Select entity
(4) Right-Click to end operation
Example: is showed as follows:
Fig.7.5.1 Original curve Fig.7.5.2 After revolve180 copy
7.6. Cycle
Menu access: Copy -> Cycle
Icon access: Tabtoolbar -> Copy ->
Function: Create 3 copies of selected entity by mirroring it across the vertical
axis, horizontal axis and origin in current standard view
Tips: note that this tool is only available in standard view.
(1) Make sure it is in standard view (front, back, top, bottom, right, left).
(2) Access “Cycle”.
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(3) Select entity
(4) Right-Click to end operation
Example: is showed as follows:
Fig.7.6.1 Original curve Fig.7.6.2 After Cycle copy
7.7. Extend
Menu access: Copy -> Extend
Icon access: Tabtoolbar -> Copy ->
Function: Create one or several copies of selected entity in specified orientation
(1) Choose preference value in UI. Extend number is the total number of
entities (including the original entity) after copied. Horizontal, Vertical,
In/Out are the orientation of the copies to be placed. Or user can define
direction and separation by dragging the cursor in step 2.
(2) Left-Click the entity to be copied. Then drag the cursor to define the
direction and separation.
(3) Access “OK”
Example: is showed as follows:
Fig.7.7.1 Original entity Fig.7.7.2 Choosing preference value in UI
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Fig.7.7.3 After extend copy
7.8. Revolve
Menu access: Copy -> Revolve
Icon access: Tabtoolbar -> Copy ->
Function: Create one or several copies of selected entity by revolving it a
specified degree about the normal direction of current standard view
Tips: note that this tool is only available in standard view.
(1) Make sure it is in standard view (front, back, top, bottom, right, left).
(2) Access “Revolve”.
(3) Choosing preferences in UI.
(4) Select entity
(5) Access “OK” in UI and Right-Click to end operation
Example: is showed as follows:
Fig.7.8.1 Original curve Fig.7.8.2 Choosing preference in UI
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Fig.7.8.3 After revolve copy
7.9. Copy to Frame
Icon: N/A
Menu access: Copy -> Copy to Frame
Function: copy selected entity and arrange it to frame
7.10. Transform
Menu access: Copy -> Transform
Icon access: Tabtoolbar -> Copy ->
Function: Create one or several copy of selected entity by moving in selected
orientation, rotating or scaling. Note that the original entity will not exist any
(1) Input preference value in UI. There are 4 types of operation including
“Move”, “Scale”, “Rotate”, “Size”. “Move” is to generate copies by
translating the original entity in horizontal, vertical or In/Out direction.
“Scale” is to generate copies by changing the scale of original entity in
horizontal, vertical or In/Out direction. “Rotate” is to generate copies by
rotating the original entity relating to horizontal (x), vertical (y) or In/Out (z)
axis. “Size” is the general size ratio between copies to original entity.
Copy No. is the number of copies (the original entity will not exist
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(2) Left-Click the entity to be copied.
(3) Access “OK”.
Example: are showed as follows:
Fig.7.10.1 Original entity
Fig.7.10.2 Example of move Fig.7.10.3 After moving
Fig.7.10.4 Example of Scale Fig.7.10.5 After scaling
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Fig.7.10.6 Example of Rotate Fig.7.10.7 After rotating
Fig.7.10.8 Example of Size Fig.7.10.9 After sizing
8. Boolean
Execute different kinds of Boolean operations on existing bodies to generate
new body.
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8.1. Union
Menu access: Boolean -> Union
Icon access: Boolean->
Function: Combine 2 or several intersecting entities into one entity
(1) Access “Boolean”
(2) Left-Click to select the entities to be combined one by one. The target
entity will turn into red color if the selection is successful.
The result after Union is showed as follows:
Fig.8.1.1 Before Union Fig.8.1.2 After Union
8.2. Intersect
Menu access: Boolean -> Intersect
Icon access: Boolean->
Function: Obtain an entity which is the common part of 2 or several intersecting
(1) Access “Intersect”
(2) Left-Click to select the entities to participate intersect Boolean operation.
The target entity will turn into red color if the selection is successful
The result after Intersect is showed as follows:
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Fig.8.2.1 Before Intersect. Fig.8.2.2 After Intersect.
8.3. Subtract
Menu access: Boolean -> Subtract
Icon access: Boolean->
Function: Obtain an entity by using one entity subtract another or other entities
which have common part with the former entity.
(1) Choose “Intersect” in the Boolean menu.
(2) Left-Click to select one entity as base. The target entity will turn into red
color if the selection is successful.
(3) Left-Click another entity to be subtracted.
The 2 different results after Subtract are showed as follows:
Fig.8.3.1 Before Subtract Fig.8.3.2 After Subtract
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8.4. SuperSubtract
Icon: N/A
Menu access: Boolean -> SuperSubtract
Icon access: N/A
Function: make a hole in a body quickly
8.5. Frame Subtract
Icon: N/A
Menu access: Boolean-> Frame Subtract
Icon access: N/A
Function: make a hole for jewel frame
9. Deform
9.1. Move
Function: Move entity by dragging it
Menu access: Deform -> Move
Icon access: Tabtoolbar -> Deform ->
(4) Select the entity
(5) Hold left button down to drag it to the target position
(6) Release the left button and finish the operation
9.2. Size
Menu access: Deform -> Size
Icon access: Tabtoolbar -> Deform ->
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Function: Change the size of an object
(1) Select entity
(2) Access “Size”
(3) Click and hold let mouse button down and drag across the screen.
(4) Right-Click to finish
Tips: step 1 and step 2 can be swapped
Example: is showed in Fig.8.1.
Fig.9.1.1 Original entity Fig.9.1.2 After changed size
9.3. Flip
Menu access: Deform -> Flip
Icon access: Tabtoolbar -> Deform ->
Function: Replace the selected entity by rotating it around horizontal or vertical
axis in current view.
(1) Select entity
(2) Access “Flip”
(3) Hold left button down on another place (not on the entity) and drag along
horizontal or vertical axis. The entity will flip towards the direction you
dragging to.
(4) Right-Click to finish
Tips: step 1 and step 2 can be swapped
Examples are showed as follows:
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Fig.9.2.1 Before Flipping Fig.9.2.2 Progress of flipping by vertical axis in front view
Fig.9.2.3 Before Flipping
Fig.9.2.4 Progress of flipping by horizontal axis in current view
9.4. Roll
Menu access: Deform -> Roll
Icon access: Tabtoolbar -> Deform ->
Function: Replace the selected entity by rotating it around in/out axis in current
(1) Select entity
(2) Access “Roll”
(3) Hold left button down on another place (not on the entity) and drag. The
entity will roll towards the direction you dragging to.
(4) Right-Click to finish
Tips: step 1 and step 2 can be swapped
Example: is showed as follows:
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Fig.9.3.1Before rolling Fig.9.3.2 Progress in rolling by current in/out axis
9.5. Flip90
Function: Flip entity with 90 degree in selected direction in standard view.
(1) Choose the operation including “Up”, “Left”, “Down”, “Right” in the Flip90
(2) Left-Click to select the entity to be flip copied.
(3) Right-Click to end operation.
9.5.1. Up
Menu access: Deform -> Flip90 -> Up
Icon access: Deform->
Function: flip the selected entity 9following the right hand rule by pointing
thumb along positive horizontal axis
Example: is showed as follows:
Fig. Before Flip90 Fig. Flip90 upwards (Front View)
Fig. After Flip90 upwards (Top View)
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9.5.2. Down
Menu access: Deform -> Flip90 -> Down
Icon access: Deform->
Function: flip the selected entity 9following the right hand rule by pointing
thumb along negative horizontal axis. Example: is showed as follows:
Fig. Before Flip90 Fig. After Flip90 downwards (Front View)
Fig. After Flip90 downwards (Top View)
9.5.3. Left
Menu access: Deform -> Flip90 -> Left
Icon access: Deform->
Function: flip the selected entity 9following the right hand rule by pointing
thumb along negative vertical axis. Example: is showed as follows:
Fig. Before Flip90 Fig. After Flip90 leftwards (Front View)
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Fig. After Flip90 leftwards (Right View)
9.5.4. Right
Menu access: Deform -> Flip90 -> Right
Icon access: Deform->
Function: flip the selected entity 9following the right hand rule by pointing
thumb along positive vertical axis. Example: is showed as follows:
Fig. Before Flip90 Fig. After Flip90 rightwards (Front View)
Fig. After Flip90 rightwards (Left View)
9.6. Bend
Menu access: Deform -> Bend
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Icon access: Tabtoolbar -> Deform ->
Function: Bend the selected entity around the World Origin in standard view.
(1) Select entity
(2) Access “Bend”
(3) Click and hold let mouse button down and drag along a vertical direction
(4) Right-Click to finish
Tips: step 1 and step 2 can be swapped
Example: is showed as follows:
Fig.9.5.1 Before Bending Fig.9.5.2 After Bending
9.7. Bend (Two Sides)
Menu access: Deform -> Bend (Two Sides)
Icon access: Tabtoolbar -> Deform ->
Function: Bend the selected entity in one direction and shrink in the other
direction at the same time in standard view.
(5) Select entity
(6) Access “Bend (Two Sides)”
(7) Click and hold let mouse button down and drag along a direction
(8) Right-Click to finish
Tips: step 1 and step 2 can be swapped
Example: is showed as follows:
Fig.9.6.1 Before bending Fig.9.6.2 After bending (Two Sides)
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9.8. Taper
Menu access: Deform -> Taper
Icon access: Tabtoolbar -> Deform ->
Function: Tapers an object, pivoting on the centerline. One end will deform along
the dragging direction.
(9) Select entity
(10) Access “Taper”
(11) Click and hold let mouse button down and drag across the screen
(12) Right-Click to finish
Tips: step 1 and step 2 can be swapped
Example: is showed as follow:
Fig.9.7.1 Before Tapering Fig.9.7.2 After Tapering
9.9. Taper (Two Sides)
Menu access: Deform -> Taper (Two Sides)
Icon access: Tabtoolbar -> Deform ->
Function: Tapers an object in two directions, pivoting on the centerline. One end
will deform in two perpendicular directions.
(13) Select entity
(14) Access “Taper (Two Sides)”
(15) Click and hold let mouse button down and drag across the screen
(16) Right-Click to finish
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Tips: step 1 and step 2 can be swapped
Example: is showed as follows:
Fig.9.8.1 Before Tapering (Two Sides) Fig.9.8.2 After Tapering (Two Sides)
9.10. Scaled Taper
Menu access: Deform -> Scaled Taper
Icon access: Tabtoolbar -> Deform ->
Function: Tapers an object and resizes to keep proportions. An obvious
difference comparing to Taper in section 8.7 is the 2 end planes are fixed while
for Scaled Taper, the 2 end planes will move to keep the proportion of the object.
(17) Select entity
(18) Access “Scaled Taper”
(19) Click and hold let mouse button down and drag across the screen
(20) Right-Click to finish
Tips: step 1 and step 2 can be swapped
Example: is showed as follows:
Fig.9.9.1 Before Scaled Tapering Fig.9.9.2 After Scaled Tapering.
9.11. Scaled Taper (Two Sides)
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Menu access: Deform -> Scaled Taper (Two Sides)
Icon access: Tabtoolbar -> Deform ->
Function: Tapers an object and resizes proportionately in two directions. The
relationship with Scaled Taper is similar to the relationship between Taper and
Taper (Two Sides).
(21) Select entity
(22) Access “Scaled Taper (Two Sides)”
(23) Click and hold let mouse button down and drag across the screen
(24) Right-Click to finish
Tips: step 1 and step 2 can be swapped
Example: is showed in Fig.9.10.1
Fig. 9.10.1 Before scaled taper (two sides) Fig. 9.10.2 After scaled taper (two sides)
9.12. Screw
Menu access: Deform -> Screw
Icon access: Tabtoolbar -> Deform ->
Function: Skews an object parallel to and pivoting on an axis.
(25) Select entity
(26) Access “Screw”
(27) Click and hold let mouse button down and drag across the screen
(28) Right-Click to finish
Tips: step 1 and step 2 can be swapped
Example: is showed as follows:
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Fig.9.11.1 Before Screwing Fig.9.11.2 After Screwing
9.13. Screw (Two Sides)
Menu access: Deform -> Screw (Two Sides)
Icon access: Tabtoolbar -> Deform ->
Function: Skews an object parallel to and pivoting on an axis, in 2 directions.
The relationship with Screw is similar to the relationship between Taper and
Taper (Two Sides).
(29) Select entity
(30) Access “Screw (Two Sides)”
(31) Click and hold let mouse button down and drag across the screen
(32) Right-Click to finish
Tips: step 1 and step 2 can be swapped
Example: is showed as follows:
Fig.9.12.1 Before Screwing Fig.9.12.2 After Screwing
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9.14. Twist
Menu access: Deform -> Twist
Icon access: Tabtoolbar -> Deform ->
Function: Tapers and object and resizes proportionately in two directions
(33) Select entity
(34) Access “Twist”
(35) Click and hold let mouse button down and drag across the axis to twist
(36) Right-Click to finish
Tips: step 1 and step 2 can be swapped
Example: is showed as follows:
Fig.9.13.1 Before Twisting
Fig.9.13.2 After Twisting
9.15. SK-Twist
Menu access: Deform -> SK-Twist
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Icon access: Tabtoolbar -> Deform ->
Function: Combine Skew and Twist. Objects appear twisted from one side, but
remain the same from the other side
(37) Select entity
(38) Access “SK-Twist”
(39) Click and hold let mouse button down and drag across the axis to twist
(40) Right-Click to finish
Tips: step 1 and step 2 can be swapped
Example: is showed as follows:
Fig.9.14.1 Before SK-twist
Fig.9.14.2 After SK-twist
9.16. Whirl
Menu access: Deform -> Whirl
Icon access: Deform->
Function: Rotate object around the world origin. The further the point is away
from the world origin, the severely it is rotated.
(1) Select entity
(2) Access “Whirl”
(3) Click and hold let mouse button down and drag across the screen.
(4) Right-Click to finish
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Tips: step 1 and step 2 can be swapped
Example: is showed as follows:
Fig.9.15.1 Before whirling Fig.9.15.2 After whirling
9.17. Transform
Menu access: Deform -> Transform
Icon access: Tabtoolbar -> Deform ->
Function: Deform entity by moving in selected orientation, rotating or scaling.
Note that the original entity will not exist. It’s almost the same as “Copy ->
Transform” in section 6.10
(1) Input preference value in UI. There are 4 types of operation including
“Move”, “Scale”, “Rotate”, “Size”. “Move” is to generate copies by
translating the original entity in horizontal, vertical or In/Out direction.
“Scale” is to generate copies by changing the scale of original entity in
horizontal, vertical or In/Out direction. “Rotate” is to generate copies by
rotating the original entity relating to horizontal (x), vertical (y) or In/Out (z)
axis. “Size” is the general size ratio between copies to original entity.
Copy No. is the number of copies (the original entity will not exist
(2) Left-Click the entity to be deformed.
(3) Access “OK”.
9.18. UV-Map
Menu access: Deform -> UV-Map
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Icon access: Deform->
Function: Maps objects onto a curve or surface, it will stretch or bend objects to
(1) Choose preferences in UI.
(2) Access “OK”.
(3) Left-Click the target curve which will be mapped to.
(4) Left-Click the entity or grouped entities to be mapped.
(5) Right-Click to finish
Example: is showed as follows:
Fig.9.17.1 Before UV-Map (Front View) Fig.9.17.2 Before UV-Map (Oblique View)
Fig.9.17.3 Choose preferences in UI
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Fig.9.17.4 After UV-Map (Front View) Fig.9.17.5 After UV-Map (Oblique View)
9.19. ProjMap
Menu access: Deform -> ProjMap
Icon access: Deform->
Function: Maps objects onto a curve or surface, it will stretch or bend objects to
(1) Choose preferences in UI.
(2) Access “OK”.
(3) Left-Click the target curve which will be mapped to.
(4) Left-Click the entity or grouped entities to be mapped.
(5) Right-Click to finish
Example: is showed as follows:
Fig.9.18.1 Before ProjMap (Front View) Fig.9.18.2 Before ProjMap (Oblique View)
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Fig.9.18.3 Choose preferences in UI
Fig.9.18.4 After ProjMap (Front View) Fig.9.18.5 After ProjMap (Oblique View)
10. Curve
10.1. Simple
Menu access: Curve -> Simple
Icon access: Tabtoolbar -> Curve ->
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Function: Draw a curve point-by-point. It suits for randomly, non-symmetrical curves.
(1) Left-Click in the drawing window to input control vertices (CV) of your
curve one by one.
(2) Right-Click to end current drawing. After this step, Left-Click will create
a new curve and will set the new curve’s first CV
Example: procedure is showed as follows
Fig.10.1.1 Examples of drawing procedure using simple curve
Other Operations:
(1) In step one in main operation, dragging CV can implement modification.
(2) In step one in main operation, Ctrl-Left-Click can add overlapping CV
(show numbering).
(3) In step one in main operation, Shift-Left-Click on a CV can delete it.
(4) Alt-Left-Click on other curve can turn to edit other curve.
(5) Access Exit or Space to quit the current operation.
10.2. Vertical Mirror
Menu access: Curve -> Vertical Mirror
Icon access: Tabtoolbar -> Curve ->
(1) Left-Click to add CVs one by one. The corresponding symmetric CV will
be added automatically.
(2) Right-Click to end current drawing
Example: procedure is showed in Fig. 10.2.1
Fig.10.2.1 Examples of drawing procedure using Vertical Mirror
Other Operations:
(1) In step one in main operation, dragging CV can implement modification.
(2) In step one in main operation, Ctrl-Left-Click can add overlapping CV
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(show numbering).
(3) In step one in main operation, Shift-Left-Click on a CV can delete it.
(4) Alt-Left-Click on other curve can turn to edit other curve.
(5) Access Exit or Space to quit the current operation.
10.3. Horizontal Mirror
Menu access: Curve -> Horizontal Mirror
Icon access: Tabtoolbar -> Curve ->
Function: Draw a curve symmetrical to the horizontal axis.
(1) Left-Click to add CVs one by one. The corresponding symmetric CV will
be added automatically.
(2) Right-Click to end current drawing
Example: procedure is showed in Fig. 10.3.1
Fig.10.3.1 Examples of drawing procedure using Horizontal Mirror
Other Operations:
(1) In step one in main operation, dragging CV can implement modification.
(2) In step one in main operation, Ctrl-Left-Click can add overlapping CV
(show numbering).
(3) In step one in main operation, Shift-Left-Click on a CV can delete it.
(4) Alt-Left-Click on other curve can turn to edit other curve.
(5) Access Exit or Space to quit the current operation.
10.4. Revolve180°
Menu access: Curve -> Revolve180°
Icon access: Tabtoolbar -> Curve ->
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Function: Draw a curve symmetrical to the world coordinate origin.
(1) Left-Click to add CVs one by one. The corresponding symmetric CV will
be added automatically.
(2) Right-Click to end current drawing
Example: procedure is showed in Fig. 10.4.1
Fig.10.4.1 Examples of drawing procedure using Revolve 180°
Other Operations:
(1) In step one in main operation, dragging CV can implement modification.
(2) In step one in main operation, Ctrl-Left-Click can add overlapping CV
(show numbering).
(3) In step one in main operation, Shift-Left-Click on a CV can delete it.
(4) Alt-Left-Click on other curve can turn to edit other curve.
(5) Access Exit or Space to quit the current operation.
10.5. Cycle
Menu access: Curve -> Cycle
Icon access: Tabtoolbar -> Curve ->
Function: Draw a curve symmetrical to horizontal axis, vertical axis and world
coordinate origin in standard view.
(1) Left-Click to add CVs one by one. The corresponding symmetric CV will
be added automatically.
(2) Right-Click to end current drawing
Example: procedure is showed in Fig. 10.5.1
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Fig.10.5.1 Examples of drawing procedure using Cycle
Other Operations:
(1) In step one in main operation, dragging CV can implement modification.
(2) In step one in main operation, Ctrl-Left-Click can add overlapping CV
(show numbering).
(3) In step one in main operation, Shift-Left-Click on a CV can delete it.
(4) Alt-Left-Click on other curve can turn to edit other curve.
(5) Access Exit or Space to quit the current operation.
10.6. Extend
Menu access: Curve -> Extend
Icon access: Tabtoolbar -> Curve ->
Function: Draw a curve which is repeated a chosen number of times, at a
chosen distance. The curve is in “S” shape in 2D plane in general case.
(1) Choose preference in UI and Access “OK”.
(2) Left-Click to add CVs one by one. The corresponding symmetric CV will
be added automatically.
(3) Right-Click to end current drawing
Example: procedure is showed in Fig. 10.6
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Fig. 10.6.1 Choose preferences in UI
Fig.10.6.2 Examples of drawing procedure using Cycle
10.7. Revolve
Menu access: Curve -> Revolve
Icon access: Curve->
Function: Draw a curve by adding a certain numbers CVs each time with a
certain angles to each other.
(1) Choose preference in UI and Access “OK”.
(2) Left-Click to add CVs one by one. The corresponding symmetric CV will
be added automatically.
(3) Right-Click to end current drawing
Example: procedure is showed in Fig. 10.7.
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Fig.10.7.1 Choose preferences in UI
Fig.10.7.2 Examples of drawing procedure using Revolve
10.8. Curve Snap
Icon: N/A
Menu access: Curve-> Curve Snap
Icon access: N/A
Function: While drawing a new curve, adjust the control point onto the existing
curve nearby it.
(1) Activate this function by click ‘Curve Snap’ button in the curve menu.
(2) Draw a new curve
(3) Adjust its control points (i.e., cv) onto the existing curve nearby
Example: is showed in Fig.10.9.1
Fig. 10.9.1 Draw a new curve and adjust its control point onto an existing curve
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10.9. Sketch
Menu access: Curve -> Sketch
Icon access: Tabtoolbar -> Curve ->
Function: Draw a by freeform curve by sketching.
(1) Hold the left button down and drag to draw.
(2) Release the left button to end drawing
Example: is showed in Fig.10.9.
Fig. 10.9.1 Example result of sketch tool
10.10. Line
Menu access: Curve -> Line
Icon access: Tabtoolbar -> Curve ->
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Function: Draw a straight line in a certain length with a certain angle to the
horizontal axis.
(1) Choose a certain angle in the UI to the horizontal axis.
(2) Access “OK” in UI to finish
Example: is showed in Fig.10.9.
Fig.10.9.1 Choose preferences in UI Fig.10.9.2 Result curve
10.11. Polygon
Menu access: Curve -> Polygon
Icon access: Tabtoolbar -> Curve ->
Function: Draw a parametric polygon.
(1) Choose preferences in UI.
(2) Access “OK” to draw. The polygon’s center will be located at the origin of
the coordinate on screen
Example: is showed in Fig.10.10.
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Fig.10.10.1 Choose preferences in UI Fig.10.10.2 Result polygon
10.12. Circle
Menu access: Curve -> Circle
Icon access: Tabtoolbar -> Curve ->
Function: Draw a parametric circle.
(1) Choose radius or diameter in the pull-down menu. And then input the
value of radius/diameter in mm in the right box.
(2) Choose NO.(number) of CV's.
(3) Select the type to be mirrored (vertical or horizontal).
(4) Access “OK” to draw. The circle’s center will be located at the origin of
the coordinate on screen
Example: is showed in Fig.10.11.
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Fig.10.11.1 Choose preferences in UI Fig.10.11.2 Result curve
10.13. Helix
Menu access: Curve -> Helix
Icon access: Tabtoolbar -> Curve ->
Function: Draw a parametric polygon.
(1) Choose preferences in UI.
(2) Access “OK” to draw. The curve will start at the origin of the coordinate
on screen
Example: is showed in Fig.10.12.
Fig.10.12.1 Choose preferences in UI Fig.10.12.2 Result curve
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10.14. Curve on Surface
Menu access: Curve -> Curve on Surface
Icon access: Tabtoolbar -> Curve ->
Function: draw curve on selected surface.
10.15. Adjust
Function: Make adjustment to modify existing curve in different ways. Example:
curve is used as original curve before adjustment in the following sub-functions.
It is showed in Fig.10.14.
Fig.10.14.1 Original curve
10.15.1. Adjust Simple
Icon: N/A
Menu access: Curve -> Adjust -> Adjust Simple
Function: Make adjustment on single CV once a time to modify existing curve. It
suits for randomly modification.
(1) Left-Click on the curve to be adjusted.
(2) Do different kinds of modification including: Left click to add CV.If the
postion you click is too close to both ends of the curve (CV will be added
as the first or the end CV depending on which end the position you
clicked it nears to.); Left -Click on a CV and drag it to other location to
change the shape of the curve; Add overlapping CV by Ctrl-Left click.;
Delete control point by Shift+left click.
(3) Right click to end current adjustment.
(4) Alt-Left-Click switch to other curve to edit (optional)
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Example: is showed as follows:
Fig. Add CV nearing the starting CV Fig. Add CV nearing the ending CV
Fig. Add CV in the middle Fig. Dragging CV to other location
Fig. Delete CV Fig. Add overlapping CV
10.15.2. Adjust Horizontal
Icon: N/A
Menu access: Curve -> Adjust -> Adjust Horizontal
Function: Make adjustment on a pair of horizontal symmetrical CVs once a time
to modify existing curve. It suits for horizontal symmetrical modification on
horizontal symmetrical curve. But for non-symmetrical curve, it will be firstly
automatically changed to vertical symmetrical in this operation.
(1) Left-Click on the curve to be adjusted.
(2) Do different kinds of modification (note that all following processes are
same with those in “adjust simple” except that the effects are
implemented on the pair of symmetrical CVs) including: Left click to add
CV. If the position you click is too close to both ends of the curve (CV will
be added as the first or the end CV depending on which end the position
you clicked it nears to.); Left click on a CV and drag it to other location to
change the shape of the curve; Add overlapping CV by Ctrl-Left-Click;
Delete control point by Shift-Left-Click.
(3) Right-Click to end current adjustment.
(4) Alt-Left-Click switch to other curve to edit (optional step)
Example: is showed as follows:
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Fig. Change to vertical symmetrical when the original curve is not symmetrical
Fig. Add CVs nearing the ending CV Fig. Add CVs in the middle
Fig. Dragging CVs Fig. Delete CVs Fig. Add overlapping CVs
10.15.3. Adjust Vertical
Icon: N/A
Menu access: Curve -> Adjust -> Adjust Vertical
Function: Make adjustment on a pair of vertical symmetrical CVs once a time to
modify existing curve. It suits for vertical symmetrical modification on vertical
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symmetrical curve. But for non-symmetrical curve, it will be firstly automatically
changed to vertical symmetrical in this operation.
(1) Left-Click on the curve to be adjusted.
(2) Do different kinds of modification (note that all following processes are
same with those in “adjust simple” except that the effects are
implemented on the pair of symmetrical CVs) including: Left click to add
CV. If the position you click is too close to both ends of the curve (CV will
be added as the first or the end CV depending on which end the position
you clicked it nears to.); Left click on a CV and drag it to other location to
change the shape of the curve; Add overlapping CV by Ctrl-Left-Click;
Delete control point by Shift-Left-Click.
(3) Right-Click to end current adjustment.
(4) Alt-Left-Click switch to other curve to edit (optional step)
Example: is showed as follows:
Fig. Change to vertical symmetrical when the original curve is not symmetrical
Fig. Add CVs nearing the ending CV Fig. Add CVs in the middle
Fig. Dragging CVs to other location Fig. Delete CVs
Fig. Add overlapping CVs
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10.15.4. Adjust Revolve 180
Icon: N/A
Menu access: Curve -> Adjust -> Adjust Revolve 180
Function: Adjust a curve to be symmetrical to the world origin. If the original
curve has odd number of CVs, an additional CV will be added to make it
(1) Left-Click on the curve to be adjusted.
(2) Do different kinds of modification (note that all following processes are
same with those in “adjust simple” except that the effects are
implemented on the pair of symmetrical CVs) including: Left click to add
CV. If the position you click is too close to both ends of the curve (CV will
be added as the first or the end CV depending on which end the position
you clicked it nears to.); Left click on a CV and drag it to other location to
change the shape of the curve; Add overlapping CV by Ctrl-Left-Click;
Delete control point by Shift-Left-Click.
(3) Right-Click to end current adjustment.
(4) Alt-Left-Click switch to other curve to edit (optional step)
Example: is showed as follows:
Fig. Original curve Fig. (a) (b) Example adjusting process
10.15.5. Adjust Cycle
Icon: N/A
Menu access: Curve -> Adjust -> Adjust Cycle
Function: Adjust a curve to be symmetrical to the vertical axis and horizontal
axis. If the original curve has odd number of CVs, an additional CV will be added
to make it symmetrical.
(1) Left-Click on the curve to be adjusted.
(2) Do different kinds of modification (note that all following processes are
same with those in “adjust simple” except that the effects are
implemented on the pair of symmetrical CVs) including: Left click to add
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CV. If the position you click is too close to both ends of the curve (CV will
be added as the first or the end CV depending on which end the position
you clicked it nears to.); Left click on a CV and drag it to other location to
change the shape of the curve; Add overlapping CV by Ctrl-Left-Click;
Delete control point by Shift-Left-Click.
(3) Right-Click to end current adjustment.
(4) Alt-Left-Click switch to other curve to edit (optional step)
Example: is showed as follows:
Fig. Original curve Fig. (a) (b) Example adjusting process
10.15.6. Adjust Extend
Icon: N/A
Menu access: Curve -> Adjust -> Adjust Extend
Function: adjust selected curve to be extended.
Fig. Extend curve before adjusting
Fig. Extend curve after adjusting
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10.15.7. Adjust Revolve
Icon: N/A
Menu access: Curve -> Adjust -> Adjust Revolve
Function: adjust selected curve to be revolved.
Fig. Full revolve curve before adjusting
Fig. 3-120 Revolve curve adjust to 6-60 Revolve curve
10.16. Close
Menu access: Curve -> Close
Icon access: Tabtoolbar -> Curve ->
Function: Adjust an existing open curve to be closed.
(1) Select “Close” in “Curve” menu.
(2) Left-Click the curve to be closed
Example: is showed in Fig.10.15.
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Fig.10.15.1 Before closed Fig.10.15.2 After closed
10.17. Open
Menu access: Curve -> Open
Icon access: Tabtoolbar -> Curve ->
Function: Adjust an existing open curve to be opened.
(1) Select “Open” in “Curve” menu
(2) Left-Click the curve to be opened
Example: is showed in Fig.10.16.
Fig.10.16.1 Before opened Fig.10.16.2 After opened
10.18. Divide
Menu access: Curve -> Divide
Icon access: Tabtoolbar -> Curve ->
Function: divide selected curve into parts while the shape of original curve kept
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10.19. Join Curve
Menu access: Curve -> Join
Icon access: Tabtoolbar -> Curve ->
Function: Join 2 individual curves together to form a single curve.
(1) Select “Join Curve” in “Curve” menu
(2) Left-Click the curves to be joined one by one.
(3) Right-Click to finish
Example: is showed in Fig.10.17.
Fig.10.18.1 2 curves before join Fig.10.18.2 After join
10.20. Split Curve
Menu access: Curve -> Split Curve
Icon access: Tabtoolbar -> Curve ->
Function: split selected curve into separated curves at selected CVs.
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Fig. 10.19 Split a curve to two curves by clicking one of CVs
10.21. Offset Curve
Menu access: Curve -> Offset Curve
Icon access: Tabtoolbar -> Curve ->
Function: Create curves by offsetting existing curve.
(1) Choose preference in UI.
(2) Left-Click the curves to be offset.
(3) Access “OK”.
(4) Right-Click to finish
Example: is showed in Fig.10.20
Fig.10.20.1 Choose preference in UI
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Fig.10.20.2 Original curve Fig.10.20.3 After offset
10.22. In Between Curve
Menu access: Curve -> In Between Curve
Icon access: Tabtoolbar -> Curve ->
Function: draw a line which has equal distances to two selected curves.
Fig. 10.21.1 Before ‘In Between Curve’ Fig. 10.21.2 After ‘In Between Curve’
10.23. Curve Length
Icon: N/A
Menu access: Curve-> Curve Length
Icon access: N/A
Function: measure the length of selected curve
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10.24. Convert to Simple Curve
Menu access: Curve -> Convert to Simple Curve
Icon access:
Function: convert isocurve to simple curve
Fig. 10.23.1 Iso Curve on surface Fig. 10.23.2 Pick up Iso Curve to convert
Fig. 10.23.3 Simple curve after convert from Iso Curve
10.25. Curve Boolean
Function: Boolean operation on two closed curves on the same plane.
10.25.1. Curve Boolean Union
Icon: N/A
Menu access: Curve-> Curve Boolean-> Union
Icon access: N/A
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Function: Combine 2 intersecting curves into one curve
(1) Choose ‘Union’ in the ‘Curve Boolean’ in Curve menu.
(2) Left-Click to 2 curves to finish union operation.
Fig. Before Boolean Fig. After Boolean
10.25.2. Curve Boolean Intersect
Icon: N/A
Menu access: Curve-> Curve Boolean-> Intersect
Icon access: N/A
Function: Obtain a curve which is the common part of 2 intersecting curves.
(1) Choose ‘Intersect’ in the ‘Curve Boolean’ in Curve menu.
(2) Left-Click to 2 curves to finish intersect operation.
10.25.3. Curve Boolean Subtract
Icon: N/A
Menu access: Curve-> Curve Boolean-> Subtract
Icon access: N/A
Function: Obtain a curve by using one curve subtract another curve which have
common part with the first one.
(1)Choose ‘Subtract’ in the ‘Curve Boolean’ in Curve menu.
(2)Left-Click to 2 curves to finish subtract operation.
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10.26. Offset ISO Curve
Menu access: Curve -> Offset Iso Curve
Icon access: Tabtoolbar -> Edit ->
Function: create two isocurves
(1)Access “Offset Iso Curve”
(2)Select surface
(3)Input the offset distance either along U direction or V direction in UI
(4)Left click on the surface to create
Fig. 10.25.1 Choose Preference in UI Fig. 10.25.2 Surface before creating Iso Curve
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Fig. 10.25.3 The process of creating Iso Curve Fig. 10.25.4 After creating Iso Curve
11. Surface
11.1. Extend
Menu access: Surface -> Extend
Icon access: Tabtoolbar -> Surface ->
Function: Create surface/body by extending a curve.
(1) Choose preference value in UI.
(2) Left-Click on a curve to be extended.
(3) Access “OK” button in UI to finish
Examples: are showed as follows:
Fig. 11.1.1 Choose preference in UI Fig.11.1.3 After extending
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Fig.11.1.2 Original curve
Fig. 11.1.4 Choose preference in UI
Fig.11.1.5 Original curve Fig.11.1.6 After extending
11.2. Vertical Revolve
Menu access: Surface -> Vertical Revolve
Icon access: Tabtoolbar -> Surface ->
Function: By revolving a curve corresponding to vertical direction axis to create
(1) Choose preference value in UI.
(2) Select a curve to be revolved.
(3) Access “OK” in UI to finish the operation
Examples are showed as follows:
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Fig.11.2.1 Choose preference in UI
Fig.11.2.2Original curve Fig.11.2.3 After revolving Fig.11.2.4After revolving (oblique)
Fig.11.2.5 Choose preference in UI
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Fig.11.2.6 Original curve Fig.11.2.7 After revolving Fig.11.2.8After revolving (oblique)
11.3. Horizontal Revolve
Menu access: Surface -> Horizontal Revolve
Icon access: Tabtoolbar -> Surface ->
Function: By revolving a curve corresponding to a Horizontal direction axis to
create surface/body.
(4) Choose preference value in UI.
(5) Select a curve to be revolved.
(6) Access “OK” in UI to finish the operation
Examples are showed as follows:
Fig.11.2.1 Choose preference in UI
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Fig.11.2.2Original curve Fig.11.2.3 After revolving Fig.11.2.4After revolving (oblique)
Fig.11.2.5 Choose preference in UI
Fig.11.2.6 Original curve Fig.11.2.7 After revolving Fig.11.2.8After revolving (oblique)
11.4. Transform
Menu access: Surface -> Transform
Icon access: Tabtoolbar -> Surface ->
Function: Create surface/body by transforming a curve.
(1) Input preference value in UI. There are 4 types of operation including
“Move”, “Scale”, “Rotate”, “Size”. “Move” is to generate copies by
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translating the original entity in horizontal, vertical or In/Out direction.
“Scale” is to generate copies by changing the scale of original entity in
horizontal, vertical or In/Out direction. “Rotate” is to generate copies by
rotating the original entity relating to horizontal (x), vertical (y) or In/Out (z)
axis. “Size” is the general size ratio between copies to original entity.
Copy No. is the number of copies (the original entity will not exist
(2) Select the option of surface or body generation.
(3) Left-Click the curve to be operated
(4) Access “OK”
Examples are showed as follows:
Fig.11.3.1 Original curve
Fig.11.3.2 Example of move Fig.11.3.3 Before/ After moving
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Fig.11.3.4 Example of Scale: Fig.11.3.5 Before/ After scaling
Fig. 11.3.6 Example of Rotate Fig. 11.3.7 Before/ After Rotate
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Fig. 11.3.8 Example of Size Fig.11.3.9 Before/ After sizing
11.5. Loft
Menu access: Surface -> Loft
Icon access: Tabtoolbar -> Surface ->
Function: Based on some curves with same number of CVs to generate
(1) Choose preference value in UI.
(2) Left-Click to select the curves to be loft one by one. Note that you must
have some curves with same numbers of CVs to serve as cross section
for the loft operation.
(3) Right-Click to finish the operation
Two examples are showed as follows:
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Fig.11.4.1 Choose Preference in UI Fig.11.4.2 Original curves Fig.11.4.3 After lofting
Fig.11.4.4 Choose Preference in UI Fig.11.4.5 Original curves Fig.11.4.6 After lofting
11.6. Pipe
Menu access: Surface -> Pipe
Icon access: Tabtoolbar -> Surface ->
Function: Use a closed curve as cross section to sweep along another curve
which serves as trajectory to create surface/body.
(1) Choose preference value in UI.
(2) Left-Click to select the curve serves as cross section.
(3) Left-Click to select the curve as the trajectory for piping.
(4) Right-Click to finish the operation
Two examples are showed as follows:
Fig.11.5.1 Choose Preference in UI
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Fig.11.5.2 Original curves Fig.11.5.3 After piping
Fig.11.5.4 Choose Preference in UI
Fig.11.5.5 Original curves Fig.11.5.6 After piping
11.7. Rail
Menu access: Surface -> Rail
Icon access: Tabtoolbar -> Surface ->
Function: Use a closed curve as cross section to sweep between several rails
(one rail case is use horizontal/vertical axis as a default axis) to create
(1) Choose preference value in UI. And Access “OK”.
(2) Select the rail/rails sequentially. For 3 rails, the sequence to select rails is
the outer rail, inner rail, and then the slanting rail).
(3) Select a curve as the outline of the cross section.
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(4) Click right button to finish the operation
Example: of 3 rails is showed as follows:
Fig.11.6.1 Choose preferences in UI
Fig.11.6.2 Cross section and 3 rails Fig.11.6.1 After railing
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11.8. Cylinder
Menu access: Surface -> Cylinder
Icon access: Tabtoolbar -> Surface ->
Function: Create cylinder body
(1) Choose preference value in UI.
(2) Access “OK” in UI to finish. The object’s body center will locates at world
Example: is showed as follows:
Fig.11.7.1 Choose preferences in UI Fig.11.7.2 Result in shade
11.9. Cone
Menu access: Surface -> Cone
Icon access: Tabtoolbar -> Surface ->
Function: Create cone body
(1) Choose preference value in UI.
(2) Access “OK” in UI to finish. The object’s body center will locates at world
Example: is showed as follows:
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Fig.11.8.1 Choose preferences in UI Fig.11.8.2 Result in shade
11.10. Sphere
Menu access: Surface -> Sphere
Icon access: Surface->
Function: Create sphere body
(1) Choose preference value in UI.
(2) Access “OK” in UI to finish. The object’s body center will locates at world
11.11. Close
Menu access: Surface -> Close
Icon access: Tabtoolbar -> Surface ->
Function: make an open surface closed
11.12. Open
Menu access: Surface -> Open
Icon access: Tabtoolbar -> Surface ->
Function: make a closed surface open
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11.13. Adaptive
Menu access: Surface -> Adaptive
Icon access: Tabtoolbar -> Surface ->
Function: Change the density of mesh.
(1) Select the entity
(2) Choose one adaptive Type, then input Tolerance value (or just move the
slide below) in UI, which could change the density of mesh.
Fig.11.13.1 Before Adaptive
Fig. 11.13.2 After Adaptive
11.14. Flip Normal
Menu access: Surface -> Flip Normal
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Icon access: Tabtoolbar -> Surface ->
Function: flip the surface normal to opposite direction.
11.15. Insert Local CV
Menu access: Surface -> Insert Local CV
Icon access: Surface->
Function: local CV along either U direction or V direction, or both directions.
12. Tools
12.1. Options
12.1.1. General
Icon: N/A
Menu access: Tools -> Options-> General
Function: set unit, language, background grid, system colors, pick precision
and surface tolerance, as following figure shows:
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Fig. 12.1.1 the General snapshot of options setting
12.1.2. Hot Keys
Icon: N/A
Menu access: Tools-> Operation-> Hotkeys
Function: set hotkeys for functions of menu, such as file, view etc.
Fig. 12.1.2 Hot Keys snapshot of options setting
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12.1.3. Custom Fixbar
Icon: N/A
Menu access: Tools-> Operation-> Custom Fixbar
Function: Custom Toolbar in Fixbar.
Fig. 12.1.3 Custom snapshot of options setting
12.1.4. Directory
Icon: N/A
Menu access: Tools-> Operation-> Directon
Function: Set directory path to Database and materials.
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Fig. 12.1.4 Directory snapshot of options setting
12.2. Set Custom Style
Icon: N/A
Menu access: Tools -> Set Custom Style
Function: Set custom style of the working environment.
(1) Choose preference value in UI.
(2) Access “OK” in UI to finish
Example: is showed as follows:
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Fig.12.2.1 Choose style
Fig.12.2.2 Choose style sheet
Fig.12.2.3 Choose common colors
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12.3. Jewel Lib
Icon: N/A
Menu access: Tools -> Jewel Lib
Function: select jewel from database and set parameters of jewel such as
diameter, the interface is as follows:
Fig.12.3.1 Jewel Lib selection interface
12.4. Materials
Icon: N/A
Menu access: Tools -> Materials
Function: set texture for entity by selecting from library, the interface is as
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Fig.12.4.1 Materials selection interface
12.5. Load Image
Icon: N/A
Menu access: Tools -> Load Image
Function: load image to be as background. Note that currently only “.bmp”
format image is supported. User could also resize the image or keep the size.
Fig. 12.5.1 Snapshot of load image Fig. 12.5.2 UI of Load image
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12.6. Auto Arrange Jewel
Menu access: Tools -> Auto Arrange Jewel
Icon access: Tabtoolbar -> Edit ->
Function: automatically arrange jewels onto surface or body
(1) Access “Auto Arrange Jewel”
(2) Select the surface or body to arrange
(3) Input the distance of U direction “U-Distance”
(4) Input the distance of V direction “V-Distance”
(5) Input the diameter of diamond
(6) Input the margin value
(7) Click “OK” to arrange
The value input panel for “Auto Arrange Jewel” is showed in the following figure
Fig. 4.17.1 Snapshot for “Auto Arrange Jewel” panel
(1) The jewel’s default type is round
(2) You can select diamond by push “Select Diamond” button
12.7. Mouse Arrange Jewel
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Menu access: Tools -> Mouse Arrange Jewel
Icon access: Tabtoolbar -> Edit ->
Function: manually arrange jewels onto surface or body
(8) Access “Mouse Arrange Jewel”
(9) Select the surface or body to arrange
(10) Input value in UI
(11) Click “OK” to arrange
The value input panel for “Mouse Arrange Jewel” is showed in the following
Fig. 4.18.1 Snapshot for “Mouse Arrange Jewel” panel
(3) The jewel’s default type is round
(4) You can select diamond by push “Select Diamond” button
12.8. Put Diamond on Line
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Menu access: Tools -> Put Diamond on Line
Icon access: Tabtoolbar -> Tools ->
Function: put diamonds on surface curves by specified spacing
12.9. Copy to Frame
Icon: N/A
Menu access: Tools -> Copy to Frame
Function: Copy the diamond to the selected frames on the surface.
(1) Select ‘Copy to Frame’ in ‘Tools’ menu.
(2) Left-Click or drag a box to select the source entities (i.e., diamond)
(3) Press ‘Select the Frames’ in UI, then select frames
12.10. Measure
12.10.1. Distance
Icon: N/A
Menu access: Tools-> Measure-> Distance
Function: calculate the distance between two arbitrary points.
Tips: First time measure the distance between origin and click position,
otherwise measure the distance between previous position and current click
12.10.2. Area
Icon: N/A
Menu access: Surface -> Measure -> Area
Function: calculate area for selected surface.
12.10.3. Estimate Weight
Icon: N/A
Menu access: Surface -> Measure -> Estimate Weight
Function: calculate weight of object after choosing material.
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12.10.4. Volume
Icon: N/A
Menu access: Surface -> Measure -> Volume
Function: calculate volume of solid object.
12.11. Ring Size
Icon: N/A
Menu access: Tools-> Ring Size
Function: create a new circle in different standards
(1) Click ‘Ring Size’ in Tools menu
(2) Input preference value in UI
(3) Press OK to finish
Fig. 12.11 The snapshot of ‘Ring Size’ UI panel
13. Misc
13.1. T-Line
Icon: N/A
Menu access: Misc -> T-Line
Function: Draw reference horizontal/vertical line in standard view.
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(1) Choose T-Line in Misc menu.
(2) Hold left mouse button down in drawing window and drag in
horizontal/vertical direction.
(3) Release left mouse button to finish.
Fig.13.1.1 Dragging in horizontal direction Fig.13.1.2 Dragging in vertical direction
13.2. Create Font
Menu access: Misc -> Create Font
Icon access: Misc->
Function: Create text in different type and size font.
(1) Choose Create Font in Misc menu.
(2) Input text and choose create type such as curve or solid in UI
(3) Press Set Font to select text font, then set its size, click ‘ok’ to finish.
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Fig.13.2.1 Create Font UI Fig. 13.2.2 Snapshot of Font Created
14. Help
14.1. Help Topic {not finished}
Icon: N/A
Menu access: Help -> Help Topic
14.2. About JewelCAD Pro
Menu access: Help -> About JewelCAD Pro
Icon access: Tabtoolbar -> Common ->
Function: give basic declaration of trademark and copyright of this software

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